"Mission Chicago" 2008-2009


I left St. Louis Missouri. On June 6th/2008; and headed for Chicago. I tried the “Pacific Garden Mission” in Chicago; but had difficulty and left; not believing this was the Mission I should attend. I went to Milwaukee and then Madison WI, where I stayed in a men's shelter for 2 weeks. This was a good experience; because I never stayed in a men's shelter. I made a couple of friends and shared my faith. The Lord sent me back to Chicago; and I found the “Door of Hope Rescue Mission”. All the doors opened, and I stayed. It was the 4th of July 2008. My mandate was to go through the 6-9 month program with the men, and minister on their level; and help and encourage them. Most of the men were in prison, drug addicts, alcoholics, mental issues and were homeless. We had 30 Transient personnel, who stayed overnight; and 28 men in the Discipleship Program.

So much has happened in the Rescue Mission; I can only recap. About 5 of the men left on a good note, getting their lives together; and are doing well. Some are doing well at the Mission, and should make it. Some of the men have returned to their old life style of drugs, alcohol and the streets. It's heart breaking to see them make that choice; because you get so close, and go through so much together. The Mission is full in the winter; but when it warms up; many leave and hit the “hobo trail”. They ALL heard the Word of God; and the seed was planted. I attended over 800 classes, teachings, devotionals with the men. I also attended and was involved in a church in Chicago. I slept on the concrete as a Transient, and I preached from the pulpit; and everything in between. I did the same chores and was subject to the same rules and regulations, as the men in the Discipleship Program.

I was physically attacked, threatened, swindled out of $2000, with my credit ruined by the Director of the Mission; my vehicle was vandalized, our kitchen was closed by the Health Department for 2 months; we froze in the winter and burned up in the summer; and 60 men were packed in a small dilapidated building with mice, roaches and gnats; but JESUS saw me through it ALL!! Phillipians 4:13: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength”. (NIV)

I finished my Mission in Chicago and returned to St. Louis Missouri on June 6th 2009. It was exactly one year to the day, since I crossed the river into Illinois.

While in Chicago; the Lord revealed to me that Los Angeles would be the next Mission. I would stop in Missouri to rest, and then travel to the Bay Area by bus, to see Ray Aguilera; and then to LA.

Table of Contents

Homeless for a Month/Jun/08
Ron's Testimony
Warren's Testimony
40 Day Fast and Direction for LA
Quality Time with Ministers
Chicago Church
Truck Trouble-Leaving Chicago
Sold Truck Testimony

Wedding Supper of the Lamb
Mission Pictures


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