St. Louis, Missouri 07/08
In November 2006; the Lord directed me to leave central Missouri and move to St. Louis MO. I moved July 2007. A week after I moved into my apartment; the Lord led me to wear a blind fold for 3 days; and fast and pray: I spent approximately 3 days a week in the “cave” for almost a year. After praying for 4 to 5 months; and consistently praying blindfolded for 3 days a week, I began to enter into the spirit realm and walk around. This was the beginning of something new. Having a vision is like watching a movie; but this experience is like “stepping into the movie”. I encountered a number of angelic beings, including “bad guys”. I had to fight them off with a prayer language; and physically engaged some of them. This was something the Lord led me to do.
I met an angelic being by the name of Maheekadel; who became a friend. I served the church in St. Louis as an intercessor, by going into the cave for an average of 3 days a week. I would be blind for 72 hours; and would fast and pray for the church; or the person the Lord put on my heart. I also wore sound suppressors that construction workers wore, and the equipment helped me to concentrate and get quiet. Sometimes I would sit still for 6-8 hours, before entering into the spirit realm.
The warfare increased in the spirit realm, and I began to encounter more enemy angelic beings, of many types. I encountered: Dark spirits, devils, strange creatures that appeared part man and part animal; and dark angels in armor. The Lord gave me a sword and a shield for protection. I was able to pop in and out of rooms in the spirit realm, and move across a room quickly. What is impossible in the earthly realm; is natural in the spirit realm. I once saw a medium size T-Rex dinosaur walking through the jungle; who did not notice or harass me. I prayed in the spirit, listened to the bible on CD, and worship music. If the Lord gave me an assignment; I would focus on that person or situation.
I met Mahandulah, an angelic being, a “ministering angel”; who helped me through a difficult time in St. Louis. I would have to say goodbye to my friends in St. Louis Mo and move to Chicago; and this was very difficult because they became my family. My best friend Sherri was my confidant, and we connected spiritually; and I had someone to share these experiences with. I couldn't talk to everyone in the church about my experiences in the cave, and Sherri encouraged and supported me.
Hebrews 1:14: “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation”?
The nearly one year in St. Louis was preparation for Mission Chicago. This was a time of intimacy with the Lord; and getting strong in prayer and the Word of God. I was involved in the church prayer ministry; and attended the home group; when I wasn't in the cave. Several days before I left St. Louis; the Lord said; “Enjoy your Angel”. His name is Anatrophenee. I departed St. Louis on 6 June 2008 for Mission Chicago.
Table of Contents
End Time Visions-Cave
St. Louis 24 hour trips-homeless
Angel Airport-Cave