Mahundulah is a “ministering angel” with female features. There are neither male nor female angles; but they do have male or female features. When she approached me; I KNEW she was one of the good guys, and had this incredible joy on her face. She was small in stature/petite and had long dark black hair and deep blue eyes. She ministered joy in my time of heavy grief. She didn't say much; but being in her presence ministered to me. It wasn't about being around her; but the ONE she was with; and I believe she has been in the presence of JESUS. I asked her about it; but she wouldn't answer me. I suppose “man/me”; who hasn't seen Jesus in all his Glory; couldn't truly comprehend. It was too much for me to understand. One of the things that impresses the angelic beings; Is our ability and willingness to follow Jesus; and haven't seen or experienced the LIGHT-GLORY; as they have. We serve in obedience; in "blind faith".

1 Cor 13:12: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”. Mahandulah was reassigned, when I was in Madison WI in June 2008.


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