St. Louis 24 hour Trip/Homeless


 Around Thanksgiving in 2007, the Lord directed me in the streets for a 24 hour trip. I was to walk in street people's shoes for 24 hours. I slept under a bridge, and talked to the homeless and ate with a couple of homeless guys, in a church basement. On the first trip, I told the Lord; “You lead and I will follow”. The Lord said “NORTH”; and I thought the Lord meant North St. Louis; but HE was beginning to speak about Mission Chicago. I would leave 7 months later.

On the second trip, I had to travel light, and sleep in a doorway. I froze that night because I only had a light blanket; and a small back pack. A group from the Catholic church was serving chili and hot chocolate in the park. It was early in the morning, and we were cold. They were a God Send!!

The Lord led me to a homeless guy that use to attend the church I was presently in. He was in that church for 3 years, and was very active according to my Pastor that remembered him. That was way to much to be just a coincidence. The church was in South St. Louis; and we were downtown. There are hundreds of churches in that city. I encouraged him to come back to the Lord. He was in with bad company and was drinking heavily. We ate lunch before parting ways.


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