Table of Contents: America

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 #2 Vision of the New Earth/Countries

 #162 Prophecy-Suffering, Earthquake, U.S. (Listen in Real Audio)

 #176 Prophecy: Decisions are made and broken in U.S.

 #186 Prophecy: American Flag, Tree of Life, Star lands on earth.

 #234 Vision: United States, nuclear explosion, Eiffel tower.

 #254 Prophecy: Washington DC. U.S. Eagle, Golden Pen.

 #261 Vision: Nuclear Explosion at Golden Gate Bride San Fran. Calif.

 #262 Prophecy: War with the U.S. with the world.

 #297 Prophecy: Wind of the North hitting the U.S.

 #304 Prophecy Whirlwind hitting the U.S.

{Click here to see Confirmation for Prophecy #304.)

 #361 Prophecy: Hit the United States with Storms.

{Click here to see Confirmation for Prophecy #361).

 #398 Prophecy: Missionaries to the United States.

 #445 Prophecy/Vision: Statues all over America

 #512 Prophecy: Banks/U.S. Stop the money.

 #540 Prophecy: Devil will start a war/Bulltes of U.S.

 #547 Prophecy: Canada will be stronger; close the roads to U.S.

 #620 Occurrence/Visions: Nuclear Explosions U.S.- Spiritual Warfare

 #666 Vision: Globe of the world/ice cream cone/U.S.

 #673 Prophecy: The Joke of the Devil is on the American People.

 #710 Prophecy/Vision/Occurrence: Map of U.S. Spiritual Warfare.

 #711 Prophecy: Earthquake of U.S. and California

 #738 Prophecy: Columbia Broadcasting System

 #746 Prophecy: The White House is going to fall

 #778: Prophecy/Vision: Lord will destroy west coast of U.S.

Mt. Shasta Volcano-Northern California
#720: Prophecy: Mt. Shasta will hit with the force of God.
 #776: Prophecy: The earthquake is going to begin at Mt. Shasta
 #777: Prophecy: The mountain of Shasta releasing the force of God.
 #780: Prophecy: Look at Mt. Shasta's history.
 #790: Prophecy: The Lord drew a circle around Mt. Shasta.
 #794: Prophecy/Occurrence: Mt. Shasta anointing trip.
 #797: Prophecy: The Cup/Shasta is complete
 #821: Prophecy: Mt. Shasta/mouth of the devil.
 #825: Prophecy: The wind of Mt. Shasta.
 #1042: Prophecy: The town of Mt. Shasta.
 #1046: Prophecy: Go to Mt. Shasta and make three altars.
 #1050: Testimony of trip building/annointing stone altars/Mt. Shasta/pictures
 #1113: Vision: Mt. Shasta with a ball on top.


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