America Storms Prophecy ("This Year"-93)

304. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 March 1993 at 9 PM. in Spanish.
 Yes, My son.  You have to Arm yourself.  You have to Arm yourself with everything that is from Heaven, of the world.  For it has arrived all that is filthy, all that is evil, all that is not of God.  Arm yourself, and look for Me, and pray and pray.
 Here comes the whirlwind.  The whirlwind that's going to destroy everything.  Here comes the whirlwind.  You have to tell people to buy food, and save water.  For here comes the whirlwind.  The whirlwind is going to come, and hit the United States.  It is going to hit with the force of the devil, and if they don't listen to you they are going to die, with the force of the devil.
 Did you hear Me, Reymundo?  Here comes the whirlwind.  The whirlwind that's going to hit the United States.  Yes My son, My son here it comes, here it comes, with the force of the devil.  You have to learn to pay attention.  You have to pay attention to what I am telling you, and mark it on your computer. Mark it, and place the date.  Place the date that I told you today.  That the whirlwind is going to hit the United States with the force of the devil.  It's going to hit.  It's going to hit this year.
 Yes, Reymundo.  It is going to hit this year, and its going to be very hard.  It's going to be very hard,  for the things that the United States does are evil, are evil, and if the United States doesn't want to clean itself up, then, I will have to clean them.  I have to clean everything that is evil in the United States with the whirlwind, with the whirlwind.
 Did you hear Me, Reymundo?  Mark, mark the date.  It is going to hit the United States this year, the whirlwind of the sky.  The whirlwind of the sky is going to hit the United States this year.
 Hear Me!  Hear Me!  My Sons and My Daughters, all the Christians that believe, that are in the center of the whirlwind, I want you to look for your brothers and sisters,  and go to the streets, and tell them the Word of God.   For here comes the whirlwind.  It is going to clean everything that is filthy.
 For you people are asleep.  You are asleep, and you are not doing what My Son told you.  That's why the whirlwind is  going to hit.  It is going to hit with the force of the devil.  Did you hear Me, My Sons and Daughters?  Look for your brothers and sisters in the streets.  Repent, and repent, and pray, and pray, with the Force of your God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and pray.  I will hear you.  I will hear your tears.  I hear everything that you want to say, if you want to repent.
 But I want you to look for your brothers and sisters  That are living in the street  That don't know My Son Jesus.  Yes!  I want you to look for them, all of them there.  For here comes the whirlwind that's going to hit the United States.
 Did you hear Me?, My Sons and Daughters,  here it comes, place it on your calendars, the date, for here it comes.  It is going to be very hard,  this is your Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit.  I am telling you the truth in the manner of God.  I am telling you the truth in the manner of God, in the manner of My Son, in the manner of the Holy Spirit and in the manner of the Father.  This is your Father that is telling the truth.


LIFE MAGAZINE: September 1993;     "The Year of  KILLER WEATHER, Why Has NATURE Gone MAD"? (on the cover).

  View the Cover of Life/Use your back button to return
Note: The date on the scan label is enlarged.

Page 31;  Drought or Flood: the Worst Year;  This is how weird our weather has been:  The three most damaging climatic disasters in U.S. history happened in the past 12 months. First, Hurricane Andrew devastated south Florida last September. Then, on March 12 a giant blizzard--- which the National Weather Service call "the single biggest storm of the century"---swept from Florida to Maine, releasing more snow, hail, rain and sleet than any other storm since 1888. Finally, the relentless rain flooding the Midwest brought on what may be the costliest weather disaster of all.

"Only one thing is certain: The single most powerful force of nature, the delivery system of almost all bad weather, is the common thunderstorm Thunderstorms inside Hurricane Andrew created its most devastating winds. Thunderstorms---Friday calls them thundersnows---blanketed the East with up to four feet of snow in March. Thunderstorms, wave after wave of them, pummeled the Midwest and flooded thousands out of their homes. And the lack of thunderstorms brought on the drought in the Southeast. Thunderstorms are the villains of the sky..(end of article).

(Whirlwinds of the sky)? my note. Hurricane Andrew occurred prior to the prophecy being received.

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