Creekside Retirement Home

24 July 92:
     Ray, myself and Kristina were praying for Creekside Retirement home. Kristina worked there, and was receiving complaints from the elderly about something/demonic in their rooms. They were being harassed and attacked by the enemy. The warfare prayer was very heavy and Ray had a vision of a skull with its hands over its ears trying to shut out the prayers.

30 July 92:
     Kristina asked Ray and I to go to Creekside and pray and anoint the place. We walked through this retirement home praying and anointing as we went. Ray saw a dark doorway in one of the hallways in the spirit; and we closed this door in the Name of Jesus, and sealed the place by the Blood of Jesus.

note:  After this prayer through Creekside- Kristina stopped receiving complaints from the residents. We also did some research- and Creekside was built over an indian burial ground.

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