(Proph. #102, 22 June 92);
The War in the Heavens has been raging on, as I told you since Dec.
2, 1990. There are Battles in the Heavens. There are Battles
on Earth that you can't see. I know you remember that one Battle
that We used you in. Do you remember, when My Son was giving you
orders through your prayer language and you were giving orders to My Angels
and directing them through your prayer language? I know you were
amazed. I know you were excited and I know you could see the Battle.
First one you ever saw, but you only saw a skirmish.
There are bigger Battles going on, but there are going to be more
Battles like that, that We're going to use you in and your body is going
to react in ways that you're not used to; you will shake, you will speak
strange sounds. Some people might think they're demonic but don't
worry what people think. You worry about your God Jehovah.
For Jehovah knows, Jesus knows, and the Holy Spirit knows, this was planned
many many many thousands of years ago.
Everything is going to be done according to My Word, according
to the Word I set into motion when I decided what was going to be
done, and how, and when, in the Spirit World, and in the Real World.
So Ray, you have an interesting position in this Battle, in this
little Planet's life. Eventually you will get used to all this commotion.
At times you will feel excited and feel happy because you'll see the Battle,
how it's won, and you'll see your portion of the Battle done.
(Proph. #104, 22 June 92);
So My Sheep, My Lambs, make yourselves strong, stronger than you ever
have. For this World, this Planet of yours is going to be shaken
beyond belief. The climates will change, the mood of the people will
change, there will be a War beyond comprehension. All these things
will happen as it was stated in the Bible.
(Proph. #107, 23 June 92);
I want you to listen to Me, Ray. Because what you are feeling
at the present time is an attack from the enemy. So keep your Armor
on. Make yourself strong, and pray until the battle is over.
Then proceed to type My Written Word, just have patience. You will
get attacked, that is part of War, but like I told you earlier, you are
heavily protected, but you have to pray and pray with strength, with conviction.
For I know they are trying to work on your mind. I know
they are trying to convince you to stop. I know they are trying to
confuse you. I know the enemy is compiling some heavy demonic forces
against you this very second. You have sensed it in your spirit.
That's why you have been praying. So keep praying, make yourself
strong. For there is nothing they can do.
For you are in the Hand of God. My Angels are all over
your house, in the air, in your room, all over. You can't see them,
but they are doing the fighting for you. But your prayers direct
them. They direct them in the spirit to the areas you are vulnerable.
Your prayers will direct the Angels to combat the demonic forces, that
are concentrating on your weak areas.
I know you feel the pressure of the War. I know you are
a very determined man. So hang in there. We have a lot more
to talk about, a lot more things to say. I know you are falling behind,
but that's to be expected. For I have a lot to say, so hang in there,
and pray until this little battle is over. Then go back to your computer,
and get to work. For the information you are putting down is important.
You might not see it, or understand it right now, but you will see later.
(Proph. #110, 25 June 92);
The hour is at Hand. The day will be a wondrous and triumphant
conclusion to the long and awaited return of My Son. The Angels that
have been fighting the War in Heaven are exuberant and are impatiently
waiting for the new arrivals. So beware of the False Prophet, the
Antichrist, and the Worship of the Beast.
(Proph. #136, 6 June 92);
Take that other step My son, Jesus Christ is there. If you could
only see the Angels that are Protecting you. I know you don't sense
them. I know you are totally and completely walking on Water.
For your Faith is strong but your Body is weak. The enemy, Satan,
is throwing everything at you but My Angels are fighting it off before
it gets to you. But you do get the repercussions off the battle.
That's what is confusing you. That's what is bewildering you.
For the War around you is so intense, so fierce, you wouldn't
and couldn't comprehend what's going on in the Spiritual Realm around you.
You literally have thousands and literally thousands and thousands of Angels
around you this very second, for the enemy is trying to kill you.
Trying to shut you up in any way he can. For every Prophecy, every
Word, every Letter that you put down cuts his throat.
(Proph. #150, 9 July 92);
Saints watch out, for here comes the star of the devil. You have
to run and hide, for the star of the devil will send you to the place
I am sending the devil. I don't want to send My Sons and Daughters
there when the war is finished.
(Proph. #150, 9 July 92);
For the God of Heaven, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit is all that's
Right and Clean. Did you hear Me? The date has arrived of the
End. Tell your Brothers and Sisters that the day has arrived, and
in that way, they can live in Heaven with you but you have to hear Me first
and you have to do what I say, for you won't have much time when
the war starts of what is Good and Bad.
(Proph. #153, 10 July 92);
I want you, Ray, to stand firm, to stand straight, to pray without
fear. For you are right on track. You have not swerved to the
right or the left. You are exactly where I want you to be.
I receive your prayers warmly. I know what's in your heart.
Do not worry about the promises. You will be getting signs very soon
of confirmation on every single thing that I have told you. You're
in a Spiritual War at the present time beyond your comprehension.
Stay focused on Me, and ONLY on Me, Jehovah God. For the
enemy is throwing everything at you they possibly can. But My Heavenly
Angels are doing the battles for you. Keep typing, keep focused on
your Heavenly Father. Pray to Me and I will answer your Prayers.
Everything has been set. Everything has a time table. The personal
matters have been set for quite some time. Certain things are happening
now and they will be settled very soon.
So be patient. Be strong. Be courageous. For
the Heavenly Angels are cheering for you, are rooting for you.
(Proph. #153, 10 July 92);
My little son, do not worry. Do not worry, trust your God and
you'll be okay. With the Love of My Heart; with the Love of My Son; with
the Love of the Holy Spirit, you are watched twenty four hours a day.
I know you felt the presence of the enemy this last week, but remember
Ray, you're in front of the War. You're leading a certain area of
the Warfare. I can see your bewilderment. I can see the image
that I am placing in your head right now, and it's for real.
(Proph. #154, 12 July 92);
I see a big dark Cloud in the spiritual sky.
Whoever reads this better pray. You better pray that the
Lord gives you the wisdom and the knowledge of what I am seeing, because
I am at a loss! This minute there must be a heck of a battle going
on some place in the spirit world. I don't know if I am getting the
repercussions, but my skin has goose bumps all over, and my body has a
trembling sensation.
I see something like a two headed dragon, no, it has three heads.
It has three heads and I believe it has two tails. I don't know!...
What is going on? I'll just keep on praying. I feel this tingling
sensation on my body. I just don't know! I just don't know!
What is going on? I feel like I got stabbed in the neck. I
was going to record it and something said, "Don't record it." Something
tells me I should.
I am seeing things and I don't know whether they are real or
fantasy; creatures that look like they're right out of a science fiction
film. I just wonder if I am making them up, but they look so real.
I just don't know! Something just hit me in the neck though.
I'll keep praying. I can't believe it's 6:06 PM. I got
hit again in the neck somehow. I think there is a War going on in
the Spiritual World.
I see the sky being filled with these black things, these creatures.
You can't even see the sky.
The sky is so full of them, and they all combine and they form into a black creature, a vulture of some sort.
I keep seeing these arrows. There are hundreds and hundreds
of arrows filling the sky. I believe Angels are shooting arrows at
it. Why are they using arrows? I don't know, but that's
what is flying through the air. Maybe that's what it means in the
Bible when it says, "The sky would be darkened." For I cannot see
much sky, only this black thing.
I believe this is a War I am watching, between God's Angels and
Satan. It looks like a big battle. I can't see the Angels.
I just see the arrows. I do see the creatures and the dark shadows,
there is a swarm of them. I wonder if this is for real? It
looks real! Something just hit me in the neck. Evidently there
is a War going on in the Spirit. I don't even know why I am allowed
to see what I am seeing. I just got hit in the ear. My ear
is killing me. I am going to pray this out to see what happens.
Wow! This is crazy, my body is shaking all over the place.
I see these white horses running. Ah, a whole herd.
They're just running, but my body is just..., I don't know...,
I don't know, something is hitting me. Something is... I don't know,
I cannot explain it! My ear is starting to hurt, and my neck is starting
to hurt, but I see this tremendous warfare.
I guess I see Arch Angels riding white horses running lickety-split
through the sky. It doesn't make sense. They're moving fast
and it looks like nothing can stop them. The horse's mane is
flowing with the wind. How they can run in the sky is beyond me.
They are chasing something. You cannot hear a sound, but you can
sense the Power in their Stride. It's incredible! It's incredible!
Whoever they are chasing, they better move. I believe Christ is in the
front. I see this enormous White Horse. For a minute, I thought
it had two heads. That doesn't make sense. I thought it had
two heads. Something there has two heads. I don't know...,
What is going on? I see that the sky is breaking up. Those
black creatures are running every which way. I can see the sky now.
Can this be a War I am seeing in the sky? Whatever was there is gone.
The sky is clear now. That was fast.
(Proph. #155, 12 July 92);
Drink the Mass. Drink the Mass. Eat the Mass. Eat
the Mass. For it is here. "The Day." This is your God
of all, with My Son and the Holy Spirit. Look to the sky. Look
to the sky for it's going to change. It's going to change the sky
with the clouds. It's going to change. Look at the sky!
The War is going well. For My Son with the Angels are fighting
very hard. They are fighting day and night, day and night, day and
night, but the devil hasn't a chance for I am the God of everything, of
the World, of Heaven. He can't hide for I know where he is.
There is no place he can go and he knows the day of the devil has arrived
too. The pit is ready for him, his angels, the saints that chose
him. The pit is very large.
(Proph. #160, 16 July 92);
I know it is very hard for you to comprehend what's happening, but
you are in the middle of a War, and the devil doesn't want you to believe
Me. For if you do not believe Me, he wins. And he is doing
everything to you, so you won't know who's talking, but he cannot stop
Me. The devil cannot do a thing, I know your mind; your heart and
your mind is set straight.
(Proph. #162, 18 July 92);
You have many Angels there around you when you need help, as I mentioned
earlier. I know that you don't see them. I know your body doesn't
sense them but look, Reymundo!, there is a War around you that you wouldn't
believe, for the Angels are fighting with the devils around you every minute
of everyday. They are fighting with a Force that you couldn't comprehend.
The devil wants "To choke you." "He wants to cut your throat."
"He wants to get your pillow and shove it down your mouth" For he
can't do a thing! My Angels are there and they stop him when he wants
to do something. He has such anger, if you knew you would laugh with
laughter. For he is so mad. For he cannot do a thing, but I
am only telling you these things so you can know what you are doing is
very important. I am going to leave you now. For I want you
to go back to your computer and place the Words of the earthquake that
is going to hit California.
(Proph. #166, 23 July 92);
For the time of hiding will begin when the bear and the owl go to war
in Egypt. Be prepared, tell your brother, tell your sister that the
hour will begin when the bear and the owl go to fight in Egypt. Protect
your Children, protect your wives, protect your family, pray to your God
Jehovah with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. For the
day will be upon you like a thief in the night.
(Proph. #175, 28 July 92);
For the war has already started and I am going to send My Son to pick
you up. All of Us are going to have our Arms extended waiting for
you, to hug you, to give you the kiss of God. For you did what My
Son told you to do when he was living with you, My Sheep, with the Love
of the Father, with the Love of the Son, with the Love of the Holy Spirit
that's all that I am going to tell you on this date.
(Proph. #178, 1 Aug. 92);
For the Ark is here and the war in Heaven has started and the war has
started here in this world of yours. My Son, with all the Angels,
is cleaning everything, for I have given Him His Orders to Clean.
They are cleaning everything, but the day of suffering is going to hit
this world. Remember what I have said. The war is going to
hit this world very hard and everyone is going to suffer that lives in
the time of the war of the devil. REMEMBER WHAT I TELL YOU. This
is your Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Get up, look for
your Brothers and Sisters, and jump onto the Ark this minute if you want
to save yourself. This is your Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit,
your God.
(Proph. #198, 1 Sep. 92);
For the devil has corrupted the whole Planet to the extent that I must
do what I have to do. The War in the Heavens is viciously going on.
But the time is here now that the Planet earth will be shaken. FOR
He wants to take you with him. Everything he touches he spoils, for
the day of Lucifer are almost over. My Christians, My Sheep, My Lambs.
He wants you. He wants you for dinner for his mad dogs. He
wants you for dinner. He wants to take you to Gehenna.
(Proph. #220, 2 Oct. 92);
Praise and Honor and Glory to the Father. Praise and Honor and
Glory to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory to the Father.
Glory to you Father. All Honor, Praise, and Glory go to the Father.
Praise you Father. Honor you Father. Obey you Father.
The War is going well. The Battles are fierce. The enemy is
on the run. They are concentrating on the Planet Earth.
Praise and Honor and Glory to the Father. Praise and Honor
and Glory to the Father. I Love you Father. I Adore you Father.
I Worship you Father. I Obey you Father. My Sheep, My Lambs,
My Seeds are still on the Planet Father. They are still on the Planet
Father, protect them, guide them. For the enemy is going to the Planet.
Protect the Body of Christ, Oh Father, My Sheep, My Lambs, My Seeds.
All Praise and Honor and Glory go to the Father. All Praise and Honor
and Glory go the Father. I Worship you Father. My Sheep, My
Lambs, protect My Sheep My Father. Lucifer is mad because he is losing
the battle. Protect My Sheep. Protect My Lambs. The Day
of Judgment is here, My Son. The Day of Judgment is here. The
remnant, the remnant will be saved. My Spoken Word will not change.
The remnant will be saved. Thank you, My Father. Thank you, My Father.
All Praise and Honor and Glory go to the Father. All Praise and Honor
and Glory go to the Father.
(Proph. #243, 4 Dec. 92)
The Archangels are ready. The devil's angels are ready.
The War is on. The War is fierce. Open your eyes! Point
it to Heaven. Speak the Name of Jesus. Speak the Name of Jehovah.
Through the Power of the Holy Spirit you will find Us.
Turn away from all wicked ways. I love you all My Children.
Turn away from the wicked ways of Satan. The devil will destroy you
and will torture you forever and ever and ever in the abyss.
(Proph. #243, 4 Dec. 92);
Trust in God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We
will guide you, but We read the heart, not the lip. Save yourselves,
My Children. For the end is in front of your nose. We only
want those who want Us, who come freely with open arms, and with an open
heart, seeking the love of God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
We will protect you from the great war, from the blood bath, from the mad
dogs that are hungry for the blood of My Lambs, My Sheep.
(Proph. #249, 9 Dec. 92);
The Angels of Heaven are on pins and needles. They're impatient.
They're waiting as the clock ticks, as the clock ticks. They're waiting.
They're waiting to send the devil to the Pit. They're waiting for
My Orders. They're impatiently waiting to send the devil and his
army to the pit. They're impatient, but they Love what is right.
They Love what is Jehovah. They Love what is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
They Love the Holy Spirit.
There are many of them, who are at war at the present time.
They're many who are battling the demons in Satan's armies, but some are
waiting for the final Order to appear, for the final Word from Jehovah
God to bring to a close this little planet Earth, to correct all that is
evil, to correct all that is not of God, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit.
(Proph. #249, 9 Dec. 92);
My Sons and Daughters, My Sheep, My Seeds, count your fingers, all
the fingers you have on your hands, and toes on your feet. For the
day is going to come that you're not going to have the time to count them.
It's going to come rapidly. The sky is going to be set on fire with
the flames of the War. The War of the sky, the War of the ground,
the flames of the Spirit, the flames of the bombs, the flames of all that's
going to be cleaned.