(Proph. #8, 3 Dec. 90);
For there is going to be War in the sky, in sky.
Look at the sky, there is going to be a War.
The devil, the devil is afraid
for he knows that the time has arrived.

(Proph. #8, 3 Dec. 90);
For the War has started.
The Horn, the Horn of Heaven,
and of the ground has begun.
It has started, My Children.
Look at the sky,
look at the sky,
for it has begun.

(Proph. #11, 6 Dec. 90);
Hear Me!  Hear Me!  Hear Me!
I am your God. Your God of Heaven.
There is a War in Heaven right now
and My Son is fighting for all of you.

(Proph. #11, 6 Dec. 90);
I... I... The War has started.
The War has started My Sons, My Sons
Look up.  Look up My Sons.
It has started.  It has started.
Dec. 2, Dec. 2, Dec. 2.
It started, It started Sunday,
Dec. 2, Dec. 2.

(Proph. #11, 6 Dec. 90);
For it has arrived.
It has arrived
and My Son is fighting
with the devil in Heaven
with a very fierce, very fierce War,
with the Angels
with the Angels.
I... with the Angels.

Michael, Michael is helping him.
Michael is helping him
for the devil,
for the devil is running.
He wants to hide,
but My Son knows,
My Sons knows all.

And Michael, and Michael is helping him.
He is helping right now.
And Michael knows all also.
He knows what to do.
For My Son tells him.
He is going over there.
He is going over there,
Come here.
Come here.
and Michael comes,
He comes, He comes.
He does everything My Son tells him.

For My Son, My Son, My Precious One
All He is going to do.
All He is going to do.
All He is going to do
It is in the Bible.
It is in the Bible.
We were all waiting in Heaven for
this Date, this Date

(Proph. #12, 6 Dec. 90);
Put on My Armor, My Armor is right there.
It is right there in the Bible.
It is right there in your soul.
Put on your Armor everyday.
Put on your Armor everyday.
For the evil one will get you.
For the evil one will get you,
and without the Armor,
you will fall.  You will fall.

I am warning you.
This is your Father.  This is your Father,
the Great I am, I am, I am.
Put on your Armor.
Put on your Armor.
This is not a game.
This is not a game.
This is to the death.
This is to the death.
This is to the death.
This is a War.  This is a War.

(Proph. #12, 6 Dec. 90);
For the War has begun.
The War has come, has come,
Sunday, Dec. 2, 1990.
Remember that Date.
Remember that Date for that's
the Day, it all began.  It all began.

(Proph. #13, 6 Dec. 90);
Tell all of your brothers, and sisters.
Tell them, tell all your brothers, and sisters.
The War has started.
The War has started, the War of the World,
and the War of Heaven,
and your Christ,
and your Christ is fighting.
For what's His.  For what is His.

(Proph. #19, 15 Dec. 90);
Many, Many, signs, miracles,
of the War that's going on
in Heaven, in the Stars, in the Sky.
Yes there is a big War going on, a big War.
The War between Jesus Christ of Nazareth
and the devil, the devil, the devil.

(Proph. #25, 24 Dec. 90);
Prophecy and Occurrence:
 I was just talking to my sister on the phone and we tried to review the tongues prophecy that was just recorded. This is Monday, Christmas Eve, 1990.  Something really startling happened.  I don't know how or what happened, but Satan somehow got into my tape recorder and erased all the stuff on the armor of God.
 The Lord was telling all his Children to put the armor of God on, put the armor of God on, put the armor of God on, put the armor of God on.  He kept stating it over and over again.  He said it was extremely important.  It was extremely  important to put the armor of God on twenty-four hours a day; in the morning, in the day, and at night.  Because Satan was going to attack you. That you are defenseless without that armor.  That you are defenseless without it.
 He went on for a long time stating it over and over.  He kept saying it was extremely important to protect yourselves.  To Protect yourselves.  And this morning when I went to check the tape recording of the following night, it was gone.  I mean it was completely erased.  I'll state it again.  The Lord was saying, "My Children, My Lambs, My Precious Ones, PUT THAT ARMOR ON.  Put that armor on!"
 The war is here and you are right in the middle of it!  You are right smack in the middle of it, and you are defenseless without the armor.  You are totally, completely defenseless without it.  DON'T TAKE IT OFF!  Don't take it off!!  Put it on!  Put it on!"  That was all, I don't know what's going on here.  So I thought I better tape this Prophecy and Occurrence while I still remembered it.   I guess it's Christmas Eve, for I lost all track of time.  I guess that's all, Merry Christmas everybody.

(Proph. #31, 14 Jan. 91);
 For I am the Righteous.  I am the Truth.  I am your Father with My Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Hear Me!  Hear Me!  Hear Me!,  My Sons and Daughters.
 Hear Me!  Hear Me!  It has started.  It has started the first war, the first war, and the second war also, but it is going to be one time in the future, but I have started the piece, the piece of the star is now coming.  It is coming, look to the sky.  Look to the sky and see, and look for it.  And if you look closely you will know that what I say is the truth.

(Proph. #33, 21 Jan. 91);
But listen.  Listen.  I am listening to you with the Love of My Heart.  With the love of My Heart.  Man, if you only could understand, if you could only understand My Son, My Son, My Son is there.  He's there with you.  He's doing battle now.  He is fighting the war.  He is fighting the demons.  He's fighting Satan.
 But Listen to Me.  Listen to Me.  Open those ears.  The first battle, the First war has started.  December 2, December 2, 1990, December 2, December 2, 1990.  Implant that in your brain.  Implant that in your brain anyway you want to.  Tattoo it on your eyelids.  I don't care how you do it.  That was the beginning, that was the beginning of the First war.
 The First war, but listen, listen, I started the Second war too.  The Second war is on its way, it's on its way.  It will be here in a thousand years plus a lot of years, a thousand years plus a lot of years.  I can't tell you the exact time.  I don't want to tell you the exact time because then you get comfortable.  Then you expect things, and you expect things, and you get lazy.  I am not going to tell you the exact time and hour, but it's on its way, it's on its way.  I sent, I sent and it's coming, and it's coming, there's a piece of star coming your way.  There's a piece of star coming your way My Children.  Yes, you're going to be frightened.  You're going to be afraid.  You're going to be scared.

(Proph. #49, 12 May 92);
The Angels of Heaven have been impatiently waiting for hundreds and hundreds and thousands of years, their battle uniforms are ready.  Some are already at War.  Some are fighting this very second, though you cannot see them.  The Battle has been going on fearlessly, since DEC. 2, DEC. 2, 1990.  The Battle began, but how can you understand such things.
 You're used to your little world, your little toys, your little games, your little problems; how can you understand the spiritual world?  It's more vast, more complex than your little minds can comprehend.  This is your Father.  The Father of Heaven and Earth, of all that is and will be, and has been.

(Proph. #52, 16 May 92);
The sky, the sky is at War.
The Angels, the Angels of Jesus Christ
are fighting, and are winning.
Oh, I love you so much My Children.
By the Blood of Jesus Christ, you were saved.

(Proph. #53, 17 May 92);
Russia will eat the hog.  The internal organization will eat the hog.  For the Power and the Glory is Jesus Christ; For the Power and the Glory is Jehovah; For the Power and the Glory is the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Trinity, is the God of all.  The hog will be eaten by the Russians.  The day between the hog, the Lamb, and the coming of the Ritual will light up the sky.
 For the Ritual will be Blasphemous to your Holy Father, to your King of Kings, Lord of Lords.  For the Ritual will be an abomination to all the Heavenly things that are Pure and Good, and Righteous, but it must happen.  I must allow it, to bring a close, to bring to end, what must be, what must be, for the scenario of the War will be complete.  And the Prince of Peace and the Heavenly Angels will finally be in the place that I chose in the hour, and in the place that I chose thousands of years ago.  For the coming of the end will be exactly as I said it would be.  Everything will be done in the order and in the manner that I so Destined it.
 The parrot and the sword will come to an end on that day.  For the parrot is a Blasphemous thing that I will not allow.  Watch for the parrot, the parrot, that repeats and repeats the blasphemy.  The parrot will be the end of the end.  Watch for the parrot.  So I said it, so it will be done, for Russia is the hog, for Russia is the hog.  Come to Heaven My Saints. Come to Heaven where there is Peace, Tranquillity forever.  So saith, Jehovah.  So saith Jehovah, for it will be complete when My Son slays the dragon, once and for all.

(Proph. #55, 18 May 92);
The vessel with the flower will fall first, the vessel with the vinegar will triumph over the vessel that will come in the middle of the War.  For what is up is down, and what is down is up.  And the Wolf and the Fox ran for their lives.  For the hour of Penance came swiftly to the Owl.
 The Scissors that will cut the Ribbon, will cut the Hand who strung the Ribbon.  And the Ribbon is Red, but the blood of the Hand with the Scissors will be unaffected by the cut.  For the strength of the Hand is mightier than the blood of the People.
 For the Peace of the procession of the War will arrive at the Gate of Sheol on the morning that was stated, in the Prophecy of Jeremiah.  For the weeping Prophet could see the outcome of the decision of the enemy.  And the slaughter of innocent blood without the remorse of the Sword, for what was seen, will be done at the hour when the moon is up and fully seen by both Parties; In the valley with the tree that was used to hang the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
 For the Lamb will conquer the Goats, for the hour of day and night will be completely covered with blood.  For the blood of Abel will be spilled to the end of the time, of the sword in the Valley.
 For why, for why, for why is the coming of the hog upsetting the Multitude of Christians.  For the star will land at the valley, where the Deer and the Goats part take in the Peace Treaty. (Non-understandable tongues?)

 why?, the love.  (Non-understandable tongues?)

Spanish:  The love.  Oh what more! what more!

 Look at the sky for the Red Turtle is flying as fast as it can to defeat the Jaguar.  For the Sphinxes of Egypt are in Red Blood for their Idols are an abomination to the living God.

(Proph. #69, 29 May 92);
The last big War to be fought will happen in your lifetime.  So be prepared, be strong, practice the Word of God in your everyday living.  Practice the rules, the regulations that are stated in the Bible.  Look to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, look to the Holy Spirit to guide you, look to Me to listen to your prayers, for the day of the Beast is here.
 The day of this coronation will begin, when the Hornet and the Beetle clash.  The outcome of that Battle will establish the authority and power of the Beast, which will begin the beginning of the end.  Many are going to be confused for it will happen very fast.  The ones who will be saved are the ones who will listen to the Prophets, and to the Just and Righteous Word, of Jesus Christ, Jehovah, and the Holy Spirit.
 For what you will see in the near future is the beginning of the end.  The end for the ones that are not Christians and don't believe in My Son, that He died for them on the Cross.  The ones who don't believe, it will be the end for them.  But the ones who believe, it is just the beginning of an everlasting Peace, and Joy in Heaven forever.  I know these sound like just Empty Promises, Words without Authority, but it is the Truth.  Jehovah says nothing but the Truth.

(Proph. #69, 29 May 92);
You will get trials and tribulations, but We are at war.  But the war is coming to an end.  But if you are One of My Sons, the Lambs, you have already won.  All I want you to do is tell your other Brothers and Sisters, the Ones that don't know the truth yet.  Share it, spread the Word, for the more and more you strengthen the Body of Jesus Christ the more support you get from each other. The stronger you become, the less  pain and suffering you'll endure in those times of trouble.  For this last war will affect everyone in ways that you cannot conceive, and the time has begun

(Proph. #69, 29 May 92);
So My Children, I hope your ears are unplugged.  I hope I placed some fear in you, for what I say is the truth.  You're going to have to make yourselves strong, stronger than you ever have in your whole life when those days and times come.  For you're going to have to pray to your Father Jehovah.  Read the Bible, bring the Body of Christ together.  For this war is being fought in the Heavens at the same time, that the battle is being done on Earth.  This is a War that encompasses the Spiritual and the Physical, what you can see and touch, everything that is evil, anywhere, anyplace, whether Spiritual, or Real, will be cleaned up once and for all.

(Proph. #70, 30 May 92);
For you all have different problems with different solutions but the decision is yours.  You have a free will, and you have the free will to do nothing.  The penalties for doing nothing are the same as the penalties of going the wrong direction.  Your Savior is Jesus Christ, that's simple, remember that, for My Son will guide you, and help you through the War with the Holy Spirit and Me, Jehovah.

(Proph. #73, 4 June 92);
Hear Me!  What I mentioned earlier of the World, of the Star, of the Sky, of the world is going to start, the 30th of July in the New Year, but the year of God, of Christ, I cannot tell you.  But the 30th of July is going to start the date of the war with the Pig.  And you can mark that date on your Calendar on July 30th, of July.
 What a shame of what's going to happen on that date, because they are going to die, many people, you have to watch the River of Blood because the river is going to get high with the Blood of the War.  Hear Me, the picture of the War (non-understandable tongues?) They fell, the Valiant ones that fought in the War of Christ, but they have risen themselves up once again.  And this time they are going to fight to the end.  The Pig is going to learn who is the God of Gods and the King of Kings.

 My Children, with Love on My Heart and on My Lips, I plead with you to listen to the Prophets for the Battle will be done according to the Scriptures in the Holy Bible.  For nothing will be done that was not revealed in the Scriptures.  The hour is coming to a close in the manner that it was stated by the Prophet Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Joel, John.
 The war cries of the War, the squealing of dismembered Bodies will display the Wrath of Jehovah.   For the cleaning of all abomination will be thorough and complete for there will be no loose ends.  My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth will command all the Forces in Heaven, and will use them to the fullest, to complete My Word given so many thousands of years ago.  For everything will be fulfilled to the letter, to the day, to the minute without any remorse on anything that is evil on this Planet, for the beginning of the end is here.
 Those of you with Spirit filled Bodies, My Lambs, My Sheep will be brought up to Heaven as it was stated in the Bible.  Be happy, be joyful for the Bugle in Heaven has started.  The sound of the Bells, of the Cheers, of the Laughter of the Angels for it is coming to a close.
 Open your ears, open your eyes, open your Bibles, and read, and see the Glory of Jehovah unfold before your eyes.  For every Knee shall Bow, every Tongue shall Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords, King of Kings.  For He has the authority to implement the Law of Jehovah without mercy, but with justice.  I will be waiting for My Son, and the Sheep, and the Lambs that endured to the end. (non-understandable tongues?)
 I love you My Sheep.  My Lambs Unite, take care of each other for it's almost over.  The Rooms have been completed, the Pearly Gates will be opened at the allotted time.  Prepare yourselves, get in the Word, bring the Body of Christ together.  This is your Father, Jehovah, Creator of the Universe, of all that was, is, and will be.  Harmony and Peace to My Sheep, for your Shepherd is on His way.  I love you.  I love you.  I love you with all My Heart.  This is Jehovah.  This is Jehovah.  This is Jehovah.  Peace be with you My Lambs, My  Sheep.  I love you.

(Proph. #74, 5 June 92);
For the control of the Beast comes from Satan himself through the False Prophet, which will advise and direct the Mad Man.  I will bring to a close what I stated in the Bible at the appointed time, for the collapse of the Monetary System will happen.  For the first coming of the world will be done when the Oil and the Commerce Control the World, (non-understandable tongues?)  The Heavenly Host will be directing the War which will get intense as the structure of Society collapses. (non-understandable tongues?)
 I love you, My Children, I love you, listen to the Prophet, listen to the Prophecies, for the Plane that arrives and lands at the end of the airport will become the focal point of a disaster in the Heart of a City.  With the Blossoms that occur when the Rays of the Sun Shine on the ground in Mid-Summer.  The destruction of the Plane will occur when the Beast accuses the Chancellor of not obeying his law.  For the Chancellor will oppose the Beast, but the outcome will have no effect on the Beast and the Party of the Beast.  For the Beast will outmaneuver the Chancellor through an underground network of spies and counter spies.
 The development of a Bomb, which would send particles of gas into the air, will destroy the opposing Armies swiftly and directly.  So beware of the Politics, beware of the Armies, beware of Anything and Everything that is not of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  For the persecution of the Church will occur at the coming of the New Moon when the Peace Treaty with the Beast is signed.  Are you listening My Children?, for you must read the Bible and Study and obey your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit.  For the destruction that will occur will shock you into unbelief. (non-understandable tongues?)
 So My Lambs, My Sheep watch those Hands, watch those Rallies, watch Yourselves from becoming like the Beast.  I am Jehovah.  I am Jehovah. (non-understandable tongues?)  I Love you.  I Love you.  I Love you My Children.  Jehovah is the First and the Last.  The God of Love, the God of everything.

(Proph. #75, 6 June 92);
I like you.  I like you  My son.  Look for, Look for the Word of God, and I will show you things, that you would never believe.  That are in the Bible, and I am going to show you many things, and the reason, of the thing, of the Bible.  But you have to trust Me, you have to talk to Me, you have to look for Me, you have to (non-understandable words?). Seed, seed.

 I want to show you how it will be on the Battle Fields of the future and how the outcome will relate to the Body of Christ.  For the Body of Christ needs to know the formulation of its enemy for the War is going to engulf the World.  If you set up your watches to instruct you, when to get up to go to work, you will have to do the same, to set your Spiritual Watch to wake you before the end comes.
 The Hornet will increase in strength in Japan, when it develops Nuclear Weapons.  For the righteous will encounter resistance on the day that the False Prophet bewitches the Japanese, for the Power of Satan is god, the False Prophet, for all of the World will be dominated by.
 I love you, and I want you to know that My Son is charging into the Battle.  For He is your Fortress, your Strength through the Power of the Holy Spirit for (non-understandable tongues?) Touch Me My Children (non- understandable tongues?)
 Thank you.  My Father.  Thank you.  My Father.  All Praise and Glory goes to the Father.  All Praise and Glory goes to the Father, My Only Father.  I love you.  I love you.  Peace and love goes to the People of the World for the watch is about to strike, the hammer of the gun that blew the Hornet's Tail. I love you.
 My Children, for the obedience of obeying your Father in Heaven, love you, love you, love you. This is Jehovah.  This is Jehovah. (non-understandable tongues?)

(Proph. #90, 12 June 92);
I love you Ray.  Since you can't sleep, let's talk.  Let Me tell you a little bit about the War, the War of the future.  The Saber tooth Tiger will be conquered but the Beast and the Boar will use a series of spies and counterspies to manipulate Governments.  In such a manner that there is more corruption going on underneath the tables with these Political Officers who ran these Governments that you could ever have comprehended.  When he gets control of the oil and the finances he will use this leverage and this blackmail.  He will use anything that he can to get his way and he will get his way.
 But I am preparing a place for him.  He thinks he is going to have the World in his hands but all he will find is the Pit.  The Antichrist is going to be one of the most fierce, the most dreaded tyrants the World has ever known.  To you they are simple words that have no real meaning; outside of words.  You have not experienced tyranny of such terror but that's how the end is going to come.
 There are going to be explosions in the Big Capitals, in the Big Cities, all over the World.  There is going to be a Police Force that will have no law.  Only the law of the Antichrist, which is the law of Satan.  He is going to develop a Kingdom, a source of Power where he can control what People buy, what they sell, who is living in their house, who and where their family members are, what they do for a living, where they go to church, where they don't go to church.  He's going to have that kind of control.
 Then he is going to implement the Seal which is going to be placed on the foreheads of his puppets; which He'll control and manipulate to do his bidding.  If you value your Spiritual Life do not take the Seal of the Beast.  For the Seal of the Beast will mean the end of the end for you.  So beware of the Seal that will placed on your hand or on your forehead.  It doesn't matter where, if you receive it you will never see the Kingdom of God, Jehovah, the Heaven, or the Mansion that I have prepared for you.  Because My Son Died, for you for a reason, to bring the Flock home to Heaven.  But the choice is yours.
 DO NOT TAKE THE SIGN OF THE BEAST.  This is Jehovah.  This is Jehovah, the Creator, the Maker of the Universe.  For I am bringing to a close a defiled Planet that has gone sour, which will be eliminated with everything else that is not Pure, Righteous, and in Line with My Word, Jehovah.
 So make yourselves strong My Lambs, My Sheep.  For the hour is at hand, go in that room, close that door and pray.  Pray like you have never prayed before, for the hour and the day is right outside your door.
 Protect yourself, get in the Body of Christ, and Jesus will Protect you, but you have to be Clean and Pure and Repent.  Just because you call yourself a Christian means nothing.  I want what's Clean and Pure, in Heart, in Spirit, in Mind, with their focus on Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and Me.
 For the rewards are beyond your comprehension.  So Just have Faith and Trust in your Lord and Savior.  For He will Rule and Govern, and protect My Sheep, My Lambs.  This is Jehovah.  This is Jehovah the Creator, the Maker of the Universe.  Peace be with you.  Peace be with you.  The love of My Heart.  The love of My Son.  The love of the Holy Spirit.  Peace and love your fellow Sheep, your fellow Lambs.  So saith Jehovah.

(Proph. #91, 13, June 92);
You have already sent the ones I have told you  to the people that have prayed for you.  I want them to read what I am telling you because you're going to need their help.  You're in a war and you cannot fight by yourself.  You need the help of your Brothers and Sisters of Christ.  For when you fight together everyone is stronger.  Remember that!  I want you to do what I tell you, and you're going to need the Prayers of your Brothers and Sisters.