(Proph # 42, 30 April 92);
People must open their eyes and their ears and listen to the Prophets
for the time of Tribulation is at hand. The Players have their Roles,
the Stage has been set. And the time will occur, when the moon and
the sun are in line with My Star, the Star of David.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 69, 29 May 92);
I love you, things are going smooth right now, but remember, there
is going to be a time of tribulation, trials that you really won't be able
to understand, but remember, the day is approaching where everything is
going to come to a close. The Law that was stated in the Bible, about
the end times is going to be fulfilled, as it was stated in the Bible.........
The stronger you become, the less pain and suffering you'll endure
in those times of trouble. For this last war will affect everyone
in ways that you cannot conceive, and the time has begun.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 70, 30 May 92);
For you know certain things in the Bible, like the rising up of My
Son, and the return of My Son, but I am explaining details for your benefit.
For this time of Tribulation will occur, as it has been stated in the Bible.
..............He has the devil on his side, because the devil is going
to help him. But the devil has already lost, but look, there are
people that this man is going to Kill, many People, with his Lips, the
Lips that say things that all will believe, and they are going to like
him, as if he were a saint, but he's the saint of the devil. Yes,
he's going to kill many People with the gun, with the bomb, with the airplane,
with the ship, and without food. There are going to be many people
that are going to die, because they won't have food.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph. #74, 5 June 92);
For the persecution of the Church will occur at the coming of the New
Moon when the Peace Treaty with the Beast is signed.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 101, 19 June 92);
I promised My Saints that I would warn them before the end so
those of you with a clean Heart, clean Mind, and a clean Soul that are
looking for the Path to your God, Jehovah the Creator of Heaven and Earth,
and want to save yourselves from the fall, the great fall, the (great tribulation),
that is going to befall this Planet, listen, read and study the Bible.
Get your Brothers and your Sisters and read.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 94, 16 June 92);
For there is going to be trouble on your Planet very soon.
The players have their roles and they know it well. The wrath of
Satan is going to fall on the Church
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 33, 21 Jan 91);
Listen to Me My Children. There is going to be a time.
There is going to be a time where it's going to be hard to call yourself
a Christian. It's going to be hard to call yourself a Christian because
you won't know who to talk to. You're not going to know who to talk
to because if the wrong person hears that you are a Christian, you could
be put to death. You could be put to death. And you're
going to try to protect your Children. You are going to worry for
your Children's sake.
But listen, don't worry if they put you to death. Because if
they put you to death you are going to go to Heaven with Me. If you
do it for My Sake, you're going to go to Heaven.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 97, 18 June 92);
The time is going to come and it's going to be very hard, so
hard that you're going to think, "Why was I born, for life is so hard.
I can't even breathe. I cannot rest because there are people behind
me every minute."
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 225, 14 Oct 92);
For you're going to have to study. You're going to have to learn
the manner of your God. You're going to have to know what to do.
For the things that are going to come in the future are going to be very
hard. And you're going to have to know what to do. You have
to know the Word of your God. For the day is going to come, and it's
going to frighten you, the manner of the devil, the manner of the world.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 262, 13 Jan 93);
For the War of the United States with the World has arrived with the
Blood, with the determination that I told you earlier in the other Prophecies.
Look, My Sons and Daughters, the Days that are coming are going to be very
hard. The Days that are in front of your eyes, in front of your nose.
There are going to be bodies, bodies of those which died. Bodies
of Body of My Son. Bodies of the Children, bodies of all that is
filthy, the bodies that the world is going to eat with the teeth of the
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 420, 22 Mar 94);
Look for your Father, your Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with the fever
of your spirit everyday. For things are going to become harder in
the world, in the factories, in the government. All the world is
going to become very hard. The wars are going to begin as I told
you before. The things are ready, and the devil is going to set them
loose. He is going to set them loose with the nerve of everything
that is evil.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 495, 29 June 94);
It has arrived. Read the Prophecies and study. Study the
Word of your God. For the days where things go easy are finished
and the hard days have now started. The days of the blood,
the days of all that is going to die, all that the devil wants to eat,
with the war, with the bombs. With Tears, I tell you the Truth.
It has arrived.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 509, 26 July 94;
Here comes the hammer, the hammer of the devil. I want
you to run and hide yourself, with your family, with your friends in the
day that everything stops. In that way you will have a chance; but
I want you to pray, with all of your tears, with all of your nerve, with
all that you have, with all of the family of the Body of My Son.
For it's going to be very hard if they find you.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 104, 22 June 92);
The trials, and the tribulations, that people are going to go through,
are really going to separate the good ones from the bad ones. There
is nothing that can change what I have started. The realness of what
is going to happen will shock the whole world, the leaders, the followers
of the leaders, the people who think they know all. The beast will destroy
whatever he touches without reason, just because he wants to. Blood,
dismembered bodies will be a common thing in the streets, in alleys.
For he will have absolute power.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 182, 6 Aug. 92);
The hour is here that Satan will be turned loose.
The wild dog, the mad dog will run to all four corners of the
world with his sharp pointed teeth, with his sloppy slobbering tongue waiting
to devour anything that moves with the power and the force of Satan.
He will kill. He will maim. He will destroy whatever suits
him. The pride and ego of Satan has entered him, to the intensity
that, he is one with the devil himself.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 517, 2 Aug. 94);
In the bodies that are dead, filled with flies, with their eyes and
mouths open, with flies all over the place. That's the way it's going
to happen to all the places that the devil is going to hit.
For here comes the man, the man that believes he is stronger
than God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is going to
show you more bodies, with more flies, with the ones that are dead.
They are going to make holes and they are going to fill them with the bodies;
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 449, 6 Sep. 94);
Yes! It has arrived the day of the calendar, with the date, with
the finger of the devil. Here come the dark days, the days of the
dead bodies. Yes! It has arrived in May. Yes! May,
the month that's going to change its' name.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 604, 11 Oct. 94);
It has arrived the tears of the Christians. It has arrived the
days of suffering. It has arrived all the things that are in the
Bible. I tell you and I tell you and I tell you to read it, but you
make yourself deaf. You place your hands over your ears and in front
of your eyes. For you don't want to hear the Word of God. You
don't want to read it, but here comes the day that you are going to want
to read it. But there aren't going to be Bibles to read. Don't
say, that I didn't tell you.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 617, 20 Oct. 94);
Yes, Reymundo the man that thinks he is god is going to use the picture
that I showed you to tell people that it is good to kill the black people.
For he wants the ground of the country/countries of the black people and
his manner is the manner of the devil. For the devil is telling him
things. And he does everything that the devil tells him. You
know what? The day is going to come, and it is very close, that many
people are going to die, with the man that thinks he is god............
Yes, Reymundo! Write it all down. Tell people that, they have
to prepare themselves. For here comes the day of the bullet, the
day of the dead bodies; for the land; for the money; for the oil;
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 747, 9 June 95);
And the world is going to be frightened because the bear is not going
to care who he kills or how many. It has arrived the day of the bear
with the force of the devil. It has arrived. There's going
to be a war so big that it's going to frightened everyone of the world.
For the bear is going to believe he is God. And he is going to kill
and he is going to kill, and he is not going to care if he kills you.
The entire prophecy from Ray's
(Proph # 727, 18 May 95);
It is going to begin, with the blood, the fire cracker, but the pistol
is going to be pointed at the heart of Africa. I am telling you the
truth. I tell you to the point. You still haven't seen all
that is dead in Africa. It has just begun, what is dead. It's
going to become bigger and what is alive is going to die. All the
bodies are going to grow until the stink of what's dead, with the flies,
with their eyes popped out, with their stomachs swelled up and blown-up,
with everything that's bad. You believe you have seen all that is
dead, and it hasn't even started yet.
The entire prophecy from Ray's