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12. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 December 1990 in English.
Please, please, put on the Armor, the Armor.
For the false ones, the false ones,
the false teachers, the false ones are here now.
They have always been with you.
They will eat you up.
They will eat you up.
Most of all, most of all beware
of the elders of the church.

809. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera  on 3 October 1995 at 4:34 PM in  English.
You hard headed pastors; you hard headed teachers; you hard headed preachers; are so blind and so dumb.  You seek the word of man.  I’ll give you the word of man, and you’ll have to take the trial and tribulations that come with that church.  For I am going to protect My Flock and ONLY My Flock.

1332. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 3:55 PM. in English.
The purity of the Body still remains with those who read the Bible from the beginning to the end with the Power of the Holy Spirit working in union with the spirit of each little sheep, each little lamb. The Truth will manifest itself through this union, through the connection with God. Teachers are fine, but most are corrupt. You have to learn to pray, to pray and to pray. Trust in the Holy Spirit to direct you, to point you to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In that way you will find the Father, Me.