(Testimony-Streets-Living Parable)

Nov. 29, 1996

     The Lord led me to a homeless man named Gene in our town; and He told me to help him. The Lord directed me to buy Gene a large cabin tent, and build a wooden floor for the tent to sit on. I befriended Gene, and acquired his trust after a couple of weeks of talking with him, bringing food, and some camping equipment. Gene was living in a small tent that leaked, situated in a mud hole. The new tent was covered with a tarp; and a camouflage net used by the army, to hide their vehicles.

After fasting for 4 days, I decided to set the tent up on Thanksgiving; and stay the night. I was almost finished setting up Gene's tent, when a man named Mike walked up with a turkey leg, and all the trimmings for Gene. I told Mike the Lord told me to help Gene; and Mike said he's been helping him for over a year. Mike has been bringing Gene food, doing his laundry; and even bringing him home to take a shower. Mike is NOT a (Christian). There are four churches within a two mile radius; and Mike said the churches are not helping Gene; and the one across the street even called the cops on him. I knew this was a confirmation of the assignment, that the Lord had given me. Mike also shared about a miracle that happened to him, since he's been helping Gene.

After talking to Mike; the Lord put this portion of prophecy #70 in my mind received by Ray Aguilera on 30 May 92:

[The Father is speaking] {'For there are so many demonic forces out there, it would make your Head Spin. Some of you are going to be scared, just by listening to what I am saying at this very moment, but that is the reality. You Pastors are so ill equipped. You haven't the foggiest idea of what a demon is. You're looking for middle class solutions to a Spirit. You think you can solve them by sending them to an analyst, when the analyst himself might be possessed by a Spirit. Satan has done his Job well, but you don't have to worry if you're in the Body of Christ. And if you're strong in the Body of Christ. For only the strong will make it, the Pure and the Clean, the Honest, the Righteous. For there are many Christians that call themselves Christians, and are worse off than non-Christians, in their thinking and theology.

Now listen! Christianity is basically simple. You turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, your King of Kings, Lord of Lords. He is your Protector. He is your Guide. For he has already won the Battle. The problem is you have to walk through it. You have to carry your own Cross, for everyone has to take an accounting of themselves, at the end of time. Everybody that has ever lived will have to know that when Judgment comes, their tongue has to confess Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings and every knee, and I mean every knee has to Bow down to him from the beginning of man to now. Satan himself has to Bow down, but he's going to be chained and sent to the pit of hell with a lot of you, My Children, that have the hard hearts and closed minds. Don't be beguiled by the easy life, the evil life of this World, for this World is about out of time'}.
Read the entire prophecy

I watched Gene eat his Thanksgiving feast, and  was longing for the left-overs; but the Lord told me- to continue the fast. The Lord put Gene in a deep sleep for hours after he ate. I anointed the new tent inside and out with oil, and prayed over it; and then started walking around the camp praying in the dark. Gene was asleep in his old tent.

After praying for a while, a homesickness came over me; and I started thinking about my 6 sisters, 2 brothers and Mom in Missouri. I haven't seen them for 2.5 years; and knew they were spending Thanksgiving together. I started to cry, and then weep. This turned into a wailing that seemed to last for hours. I hadn't cried like that, since the night of my father's funeral in 1988. During this wailing, the Lord started giving me the word.

The Lord told me to sleep in a brush pile, that a homeless person lived in. The wind was blowing hard, and was cold, with nothing between the hill; and the San Francisco bay. In the middle of the night, I was awakened and frightened by what sounded like a group of people outside my camp; and I realized it was Gene having a conversation in a number of voices, and laughter. I didn't sleep much after that, and this continued on much of the night. I spent most of the night in prayer. The Lord clarified the word to be placed in this testimony.

At sunrise, Gene and I went to 7-11; and had some coffee and donuts. He seemed to be in the best mental state, that I've seen him in. He was very happy with his new home with a cot, sleeping bag, table; and big enough to walk around in.

[Word from the Lord]

This is what the Lord told me that night:

Because the Christians in the churches don't have time for the sheep that are suffering in the streets; (when everything falls apart); THEY are going to suffer. Christians are going to live in holes like animals; and will be scared, hungry, and cold. Christians will cry, weep and wail for the Lord's deliverance; but the Lord was not going to listen; because the Christians weren't listening to the cries of the sheep living in the streets. The Lord also said; He was going to take care of HIS sheep; and the sheep that were neglected by the churches.


Scripture Note: The Lord gave me Ezekiel Chapter 34. (the entire chapter).
Read Ezekiel Chapter 34

Scripture Note: The Lord directed me to add these passages from Ezekiel Chapter 12: 1-7; and  Proverbs 1:23-29
Read Ezekiel Chapter 12:1-7
Read Proverbs 1:23-29


Final Note: I felt so unworthy doing this for the Lord; and could only see my sin. This caused me to wail more.

End of Testimony

God Bless

In His service

Ron Viessman