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809. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera  on 3 October 1995 at 4:34 PM in  English.
You hard headed pastors; you hard headed teachers; you hard headed preachers; are so blind and so dumb.  You seek the word of man.  I’ll give you the word of man, and you’ll have to take the trial and tribulations that come with that church.  For I am going to protect My Flock and ONLY My Flock.  If you want to stand alone, I’ll let you stand alone.  For you have no business using the Name of My Son for your own deceitful purposes.  So be it.  So be it.”  (over)

919. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera  on 23 June 1996 at 10:56 AM.
The preachers and evangelists like to pump up people.  They like to get them excited.  They think they are doing them a favor.  They think they are bringing them to God.  If you believe - that you have to pump somebody up to bring them to God: you are following the WRONG Plumb Line.  If you cannot go to a brother, humbly and meekly, with what is in your heart, and preach the Gospel of God - you have a problem.

1661. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 November 2001 at 8:37 AM.
You hear these preachers, preach about money. Preach about salvation through money. They preach about healing through money. They preach about Heaven through money. Every other word that comes out of their mouths is about money and debt. This is the sign of the devil! If you are in the Body of Christ and you do not see this - you have a problem! For you are going down the wide path, the path of Satan. Believe Me not or Believe Me, whichever is the case, the final outcome will be a fiery place for you with the friends of the devil, with the friends of these preachers who preach about money, about wealth. They will all be in the same place. It does not matter how well they preach the word. It does not matter on how clever they are in their conventions, in their gatherings. I will stamp them out like I do a fly. Anyone, who corrupts, anyone who twists the Word of God for there own purposes will be stamped out. These Words are hard. These Words are pointed. These Words are direct. These Words are true.

Prophecy #1661
Many of you are chasing these pastors who are flamboyant, and Charismatic and seem to have the answers to everything. Beware My Children, beware of Lucifer, he is so clever. For I am going to roundup all of these evil preachers, all these deceptions of the devil, put them in a Bag and throw the Bag into a fiery pit - turn My Back and walk away. It is going to be that simple. For your Father Jehovah is tired of leaders who mislead the Flock in any manner, in any shape, in any form. These are not idle words. These people believe they have power. They believe they have a say because people listen to them. But these people are not saying the Words of Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through the Power of the Holy Spirit, through the love of their heart for their God. They will find themselves in this little Bag.