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92. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 June 1992 at 2:15 AM. Monday in tongues, Spanish and English.
So beware, for the problem is not with the flock.  The problem is with the Leadership of the flock.  I know these are not kind Words.  I know these are not sweet Words.  I know that they are not tickling your ear at the present time, but so be it.

94. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 June 1992 at 3:04 PM. Tuesday in tongues English and non-understandable tongues.
You theologians are just...,  I really don't know how to explain, "How and when," the events that are going to happen.  Where you can stand firm and lead your flock into safety, for you're so easily swayed.  You're so quick to condemn, you're so judgmental.  Turn to Jesus; it's simple, direct.  I am going to consecrate on the Flock for the leadership is totally confused.

Prophecy #94
So My Flock, the Holy Spirit is going to start to put sparks of burden on you, to pray, to pray for your neighbors, to reach out to your friends and your enemies.  To help you repent.  To help others to repent for that's how the Body of Christ is going to go together through the Body, not through the Leadership, for the Leadership is going to fall because they are confused and they are lost.

161. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 July 1992 at 1:47 AM. in English.
Inform and instruct them and Love them.  The Holy Spirit will show you, for if you wait for the leadership of the Church, you will find the pit.  Remember, what I am saying, take the initiative.  Do it on your own; feed and clothe the ones on the street that are hungry, that need clothes, the sick, and the old.  Do what Christ did when He was with you.
 For the leadership of the Church will never do it, so I am asking the Body to listen to My Words, and read the Prophecies.  Do it for your Father in Heaven, for Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Do it for yourself.  Do it for the Love of your brother and sister, your mother, your father.  For this Planet will be shaken up from top to bottom.

173.  Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 July 1992 at 7:42 PM. in English and Spanish.
For the hardened hearts of the leadership of the church will send you in the wrong direction.  They are only interested in their own purpose.  Many have gone away and strayed, off the road.  Many are still on the road struggling with finances, with all the burdens of life.  Others, well others you will find out in the end times, but listen to the Prophecies, to Prophets, to My Son, to the Angels that will protect you.  The Angels, your Guardian Angels, for they are being released now to protect certain areas of this Planet.

386. Vision, Prophecy, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 November 1993 at 7:10 PM.
The average Christian would think you’re crazy, but I wouldn’t give it up for anything.  It was incredible and just a little taste of how the Holy Spirit can re-energize you.  I was sort of disappointed that the Holy Spirit didn’t touch me at home so I could get crazy, and dance, and express the joy of the Presence of the Lord.  I feel sorry for the Body of Christ for it’s so regimented, so controlled by the leadership.

562. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 September 1994 at 10:08 AM. in English.
For the man of today has hopped and skipped all over the Bible, and this hopping and skipping has blinded them.  For they can’t see the true Word of God.  THIS MUST STOP TODAY!!  Read the Bible completely and in its entirety.  From the beginning to end, and it will reveal to you secrets of the end times in ways and manners that you never knew.  Stop listening to the leadership and read the Bible.  Read the Word of God.  For the leadership will lead you to the pit.

You have two eyes; you have two ears; you have the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit will open your eyes, and your ears to the truth, the REAL TRUTH of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit.  Remember My Words, “The leadership will send you in the wrong direction.”  This is your Father, Jehovah, the I am, I am, I am, with the Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, the Provider.  Open the Bible and do as I say today.

For you are running out of time.  If you want to save yourself and your family clean your mind of what the established churches have said to you.  Read your Bible.  Read the Word of your God, with a clean, with and open, with a sincere mind, with the Heart of God.  The Holy Spirit will guide you word by word, passage by passage, chapter to chapter, to the Presence of the Lord, to the Throne Room of God.  Remember if you follow the leadership you will miss the Train to Heaven, you will miss the Ark.

Don’t worry about the leadership for I am going to straighten them out.  Mark My Words!  I WILL STRAIGHTEN THEM OUT!  Through the trials, through the tribulations.  Remember the Words of Jehovah, “The same today as yesterday.”   With the Love of My Son, with the Love of the Holy Spirit I give you this message from Heaven.

702. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 March 1995 at 11:05 PM. in English.
I want you to do what I tell you tomorrow.  For tomorrow will be the judgment of the leadership of the Body of My Son.  For the hog and the beast will come together.

873. Prophecy and Vision given to  Raymond Aguilera on 11 March  1996 at 10:57 AM. in English.
You have been warned; You have been instructed.  Keep focused on Jesus Christ of Nazareth as your guide.  Stay strong for your world will change suddenly without warning.  You will see many who claim to be Christians, leaders, people of the congregations, people of the parishes, fall away, renounce, and denounce, their faith, their God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit, and Jehovah.  You will be shocked; You will cry.  For the ones who  are deceiving you for the money, for the power, for the glory, will be exposed.  For the purification of the Body, for the purification of the leadership, will begin as the Churches separate.

899. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera  on 24 April 1996 at 8:15 AM
The WORDS that I tell you are harsh.  Some of you people don’t want to hear it, but your Father from Heaven does not lie.  He tells you the truth, all the time; straight, direct and to the point.  If I tell you that I LOVE YOU, I mean I LOVE YOU!  If I tell you, I will correct you, I WILL CORRECT YOU!  If I tell you about the wrath of God; The WRATH OF GOD WILL HAPPEN!  These Words are the Words of LOVE.  These are the Words of Me protecting you through that same Word.  Even though the Words are harsh and direct and to the point.  Whether I am speaking to the leadership who has gone astray or whether I am telling you directly or personally, Eye to eye, Face to face.  The things ahead are HARSH.

911. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera  on 23 May 1996 at 11:30 AM. in  English.
Some of you Christians who are submitting to your church authorities, are going to be facing a problem; for I am going strongly against some church leaders.  And you are going to have to make a decision - whether to follow your church leadership, or follow Me - Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit; for I am going to clean-up the Body of My Son with Power.  Remember, either you are with Me or you are against Me.  I will not accept a middle ground.

919. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera  on 23 June 1996 at 10:56 AM.
You can claim all the blessing you want, but if you are not on My Plumb Line - I don’t know you!  You can claim all you want: and all that you will get is the back of My Hand.
And this goes for the leadership, the so-called wise men of Christ, who are so busy patting themselves on their behinds.  Because the devil is ready to kick them into the pit of hell on their tender spots, do you get My Picture?  It is CLEAR; it is DIRECT!

1142. Prophecy given to Raymond  Aguilera on 31 Dec 1997 at 9:15 AM.
If I walked into their churches today, they would not recognize me.  They would try to force Me to submit to their covering, to their doctrine.  What a shame, what a shame!  That they do not know Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For the hour of the Word, the hour of Power, the hour of the Father, is upon this little planet.  What a shame!  What a shame!  What a shame!  That the leaderships are so blind, so dumb.  So be it!  So be it!  (over)
Remember Carmanlita. Remember Carmanlita, Carmanlita. (over)

1151. Prophecy and Vision given to  Raymond Aguilera on 26 February  1998 at 11:45 PM.
  I can actually feel or sense this enormous power of good and evil fighting to their maximum; without either of them falling back a micro centimeter.  I wonder if this is how it is going to be at the end of this little planet.  For there is no way of describing such power hitting each other.  If only the people of God could see this, they would most certainly stop “playing church”.  For sure - the perspective of the leadership would change. (over)

1330. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 6:45 AM
The churches of today are telling you half truths. They are telling you half of the Bible. Only the parts that tickles their ears, only the parts that fills their pockets, only the things that benefits the leadership. What a shame! What a shame! What a shame! For My Sheep, My Lambs are going to suffer for this kind of leadership, but the Lambs and the Sheep have My Word. Remember Lazarus. Remember the cavern. Remember the things that I have told you through the years. My Love is there! My Hand is there! My Protection is there! What you do with what I have given you is going to determine what you will be, where you will be, and how you will get there!

1332. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 3:55 PM. in English.
We have to bypass the leadership, with the Power of the Holy Spirit - this will be done, through the reading of the Bible from cover to cover, through prayer, through Communion, through the Love of Jehovah, through the Love of Jesus Christ, through the Love of the Holy Spirit. For that is where the POWER is! Nowhere else. Everything else either works with Me or against Me. It is as simple as that! Don’t get anxious. Be patient. Trust and have faith. For the Mercy of God is always there. Repent your sins. Read the Bible. Pray and move on.

1521. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 2 July 2000 at 9:30 PM.
At a Protestant church in Sao Paulo during worship, I had a vision of a US flag with stripes, but a satanic pentagram had replaced the stars in the upper top left-hand corner, in the square part of the flag.
Then the Lord told me to look at people in church, and placed the impression in my spirit, "Look at My Lambs seeking Me!"
Then the Lord said, "I am going to save them, by what you are doing." (Doing on this mission trip)
In this large Protestant Church of 5,000 or more, I sensed a lot of pride in the leadership, and I asked the Lord, "What about the leadership here?"
And the Lord said, "What is important are the people on this side of the stage - the others are not as important." I was standing on the worshipping side (the congregation side) with the people, inside of this church.
The Lord left me with the impression that the pride of the leadership of this church was a stumbling block to their church.
Later during Communion, the Lord gave me a vision of a submarine underneath the water, and I saw it crashing through a wall of ice.

1672. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 March 2002 at 6 PM.
Make yourself strong for Satan is angry with you again. Do not worry for I have My Angels around you and your family. The fox will fall sharply and to the point, but be aware of the black horse with its rider. The meat of God is sweet to the devil, but My Hand is Heavier and Harder than the devil's sweet tooth. I will give you the funds needed for the advertising, but be cautious of the church leadership for their anger will be seeking you out and find them the pit. For I am not playing Word games. What I say gets done. It always has and it will always be.
Remember, make yourself strong for the war above you has begun again. My Peace be with you my little son. Smile for the New Beginning has started. I Love you My little one. (over)