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The Mt. Diablo Prophecy.
December 2, 1990,
The attacks from Church
leaders, from old friends, even family members. Walking alone,
and feeling alone, even though there are many people interceding for me,
even people I don't even know, this whole thing feels very strange.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 May 1992 at 6:30 AM. Tuesday in
tongues, in Spanish, English, and Non-understandable tongues.
I am sorry to say, that
a lot of My Leaders of My Flock have gone
astray to the point there are so many different religions. There
is bitterness and fighting. Boy, you Leaders
of the Flock, you're going to be looked at more severely than the
rest. For most of you started out with good intentions, and the enemy
came in and attacked. And the Pride and the Ego lead you astray;
the Money, the Glory, the Glory belongs to Me. The Praises belong
to Me. You never made a thing! You can't even keep, or control what
you have. And you go, and you talk to My Sheep, and you place yourself
on My Throne. And you even fool yourself, you place these burdens
on My Sheep. What a shame, what a shame.
For the Time and the Hour
is coming to a close, the Day of Pride, and the Selfishness of some of
you Christian Leaders. I know it hurts
to Hear such things because some of you have put yourselves up so High
and so Mighty. You think you're god yourself, but the time of the
self is over. And the Day of Christ, the Day of the Holy Spirit,
the Day of Jesus Christ is here. The Day of Noah, the Day of the
Ark, only those that climb in the Ark, will be saved. Remember that!
You claim to know so much about the Bible. Remember the Ark!
Remember the Ark!
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on the 26 May 1992 at 8:46 AM Tuesday,
in English and non-understandable tongues.
Their Prayers rattle My
Ears 24 hours a day. And I am tired of watching the Leaders
of My Church totally ignore My Sheep; The ones who have no one;
The lonely; The broken hearted; The hungry; The sick. The ones that
are in the street with no where to turn; The ones that I talk to, and no
one listens to. My Eyes are with Tears for I will bring to a close
what I started in the beginning.
Satan will be placed in
the Valley of Eternal Death with, what I am afraid to say, some of My Leaders
of My Body. I am warning you with Love on My Lips, to Repent, look
for My Sheep, take care of My Lambs for these are not the Words of an empty
God. These are the Words of Judgment, for the Judgment will fall
upon you without mercy.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 June 1992 at 2:15 AM. Monday in
tongues, Spanish and English.
I said a Word to My Son
several thousand years ago and you were given that Word and you are not
keeping My Word. So you will see certain things happen, in the near
future. For the pastors and the leaders of
My Flocks, through the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, through
THEM. Not on the flock, for they are responsible for the flock and
they are held accountable for the flock.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 June 1992 at 3:04 PM. Tuesday
in tongues English and non-understandable tongues.
The Holy Spirit is there
to give you whatever you need. You have to trust in Jehovah God,
Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. For there is going to be trouble
on your Planet very soon. The players have their roles and they know
it well. The wrath of Satan is going to fall on the Church with tears
on My Eyes, I am pleading with you to make yourselves strong; turn to My
Son, Jesus Christ. Repent! Don't depend on your Pastors, on
your Leaders. For you will fall with
them. Make yourself strong; go knock on doors; do whatever you have
to do. For your reward in Heaven will be much. For I know who's
Heart is Pure and who's isn't. And your reward in Heaven will be
great. (non-understandable tongues?)
Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 9:46 AM.
and 9:53 AM. in English.
9:53 AM.
Ray get up!
Get on that computer. I know that you're tired but you promised Me.
You promised Me you would type these Prophecies and distribute them.
You have to get up. The hour is approaching where there won't be
any time. I have set an allowed amount of time for My Word to be spread
before the end. I know your back hurts. I know your knee hurts.
I know you're worried about church leaders.
They are a stubborn lot.
Listen Ray. I know
the future. I know that you're going to get up and you're going to
type just as I know what the leaders are going to do. For this Body of
Christ has to wake up, it has been so complacent. It's in a total
shambles. My Sheep, My Lambs have to be warned, have to be educated.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 October 1995 at 4:34 PM in
Are you listening to the
Words that I am telling you? THAT BODY RIGHT THERE..., is about one
hundred times bigger than the Body that claims to follow Jesus Christ of
Nazareth in the churches. The little boxes they have built up in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth; the ones that are all asleep; that
are blind; that step on the widows and kick the poor around because they
don’t have the funds to give them. The ones who chastise the prophets
and the apostles. That’s NOT the Body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The Body of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth is underground because the leaders of
the church of man are not doing the Word of the Lord.
Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 March 1996
at 10:57 AM. in English.
You have been warned; You
have been instructed. Keep focused on Jesus Christ of Nazareth as
your guide. Stay strong for your world will change suddenly without
warning. You will see many who claim to be Christians, leaders,
people of the congregations, people of the parishes, fall away,
renounce, and denounce, their faith, their God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
the Holy Spirit, and Jehovah. You will be shocked; You will cry.
For the ones who are deceiving you for the money, for the power,
for the glory, will be exposed.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 May 1996 at 11:30 AM. in
Some of you Christians who
are submitting to your church authorities, are going to be facing a problem;
for I am going strongly against some church leaders.
And you are going to have to make a decision - whether to follow your church
leadership, or follow Me - Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy
Spirit; for I am going to clean-up the Body of My Son withPower.
Remember, either you are with Me or you are against Me. I will not
accept a middle ground. For some of you, it is going to be very hard;
but you have to stop playing church, and seek your brothers and sisters
in the streets. For the power of the antichrist is going to be strong,
and your church leaders don’t have any real power. We: Jehovah, Jesus
Christ, and the Holy Spirit are the ONLY ONES Who can save you. REMEMBER
THAT! Peace be with you - you hard-headed Christians. (over)
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 June 1996 at 10:56 AM.
I can see the red eyes of
certain leaders right now. I can see
their anger. Their day will come when they look at Me, eye-to-eye,
and We will see how angry they will get when they are in My Presence.
We will see! Are you listening to Me - you red eyed pastors and evangelists
- did you hear what I have said Clearly and to the Point? We will
see if you do a dance to My Face. We will see if you will prophesy
to Me; and on how you can, “Name it and Claim it,” when you are in My Presence
and I have My Thumb on top of your head. So be it! So be it!
So be it!” (over)
971. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 September 96 at 11:30 PM.
Note: An e-mail sent to the
people on the e-mail list.
Hello brothers and sisters,
A brother called me late
last night. We had a prayer time and Communion over the telephone.
During this prayer the Lord said to tell the brothers and sisters on the
e-mail list to upload the Prophecies to wherever they can, and to give
out hard copies to their church leaders, people
on the streets, and finely to their relatives and friends. Tell them
to be strong, brave, and bold - to pray daily and all will go well.”
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 4 October 1996 at 8:53 AM.
The Lord gave me the scripture
from the Book of Luke18:10-14, and said:
The pride of the Pharisees
which is the pride of the devil is upon many church members and church
leaders, the self righteous, the pompous, the lover of Satan.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 April 1997 at 9:01 AM
in English.
I am telling My prophet
Reymundo to type up this prophecy today because the urgency of this message
must be sent out to My Lambs, My Sheep, for We are closer each day to the
And My Sheep and My Lambs,
you better wake up. You better do more than you have been doing.
You better pray. You better evangelize, for your leaders
are not doing their jobs. Did you hear My Words? I want
you to go door to door, anywhere, where you work - tell anybody, and everybody
that you know: “That your Lord and Savior is Coming with the Wrath and
the Vengeance of God.” So be it! So be it! So be it!
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 August 1997 at 5:20
PM. in English.
You have created an Altar
using the ways of man. You pray to a stone wall which can do nothing.
You say you are waiting for the Messiah, yet you do not follow the Laws
of God! So - I am telling you this minute, this second - STOP YOUR
FOOLISHNESS! Now - and build Me My Temple, and do it correctly.
For the foolish things of man will amount to nothing! I will tell
your elders, your leaders in the coming months,
in the coming years, where to build My Altar. Where to build My Temple.
So Stop these foolish things of praying to a wall which can do nothing!
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 November 1998 at 8:43 AM.
We are getting close to
the end! I want you to have Communion everyday and I want you to pray at
7 and at 3. Remember at 7 and 3 - daily! Not like they do it in churches
- once a year, once a month, whenever they feel like it. I am asking the
at those hours for the salvation of the world or lets say for the salvation
of My Flock.
For many will not follow
My Request, to the letter, to the point. But remember what I have said,
if you Love Me, if you are seriously waiting for Me. IT HAS TO BE A DAILY
THING, Communion, Reading the Bible, and Pray and Pray and Pray, not empty
words, but Words to your God. Many religious leaders
are going to say, this is a religious act, that it shouldn’t be
followed. That it is a routine. Let them say what they want! But if you
belong to Me, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, if you are awake
and you really want to follow the ways of God. You will pray! First for
yourself. Then for your family. Then for your friends that need to hear
the POWER of prayer.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 November 1999 at 10:36 AM.
I Lord showed me the letters
Zorro, which mean "Fox" in Spanish.
How many times do I have
to tell you - There will be no revival in the City of San Francisco, only
death and destruction. I will tell you once more, if you value your life
leave the City by the Bay. Why are My church leaders
so blind and dumb in San Francisco? I tell them and I tell them,
well, what befalls them will be on their own heads. I told Lot to leave
the City or he would die and he left - Now I am tell you - if you live
in the City of San Francisco to leave or die. I cannot put it any plainer
than that. For the City of San Francisco will be totally destroyed by the
Hand of God. So be it. So be it. So be it.
Also, Paris will not be
Paris - it also will be destroyed by the Hand of God. Remember Lot - Remember
My Power - Remember I do not Lie! So be it. So be it. So be it.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 February 2001 at 12:45 PM.
Oh, sleeping church, just
as My Reymundo was asleep and all of this evil was being done to him -
"That's the way it will be in the end times." The hour and the day will
not be known until it happens - just as Reymundo didn't know.
You better wake-up. For
the hour and the time will be here - without warning, without a sign! It
hurts Me so to see a dead church on this planet. A church that My Son started,
and (which) began with the fire of the Holy Spirit. The church that is
so busy playing games. Trying to make money. Trying to build up their -
own personal pride. The evil in this planet has reached the point, almost
as when I flooded it, adultery, killing, murder, lies by religious
leaders, idolaters.
People just do not care.
I have lost My patience. Mark My Words! Just as Reymundo was asleep, unaware
- that's the way it is going to be in the end. "No one!" will know the
time, the place, the hour, the second. But this planet will be wiped clean.
Are you listening to My Words? Or are you still reading the Bible and making
it say what you wanted it to say.
If you think, I am joking,
you will find out the Power of God, the Love of God, the Mercy of God.
I forgive anybody for anything, but either you are for Me or you are against
Me! There is no middle ground and that is to the point!
What a shame! What a shame!
That man and the devil has corrupted what was made for good, but I have
many, many, many true believers there. That nobody even knows - that they
are there. They are in their prayer closets. Most of them are not in church.
They are under the waterline, remember the iceberg. The church that so
proudly seeks itself in the authority of My Son - is blind - is stupid
and is going to be wiped clean. But the underground church, the church
of prayer warriors, the church that obeys My Word, the church who listens
to Me with an open heart, the church who loves Me to the end - is LARGE!
But not large as the evil,
the evilness, that is in this planet. For they are marching down the narrow
road. Wide is the road that most people will follow, and a lot church people
are on the wide road. So the next time you church
leaders kick out somebody from your church, remember, that person
you are kicking out might belong to Me. And the tables will be turned,
when I kick you out of the Wedding Supper if you even get that close. There
going to come a time in a point where I am going to see you eye to Eye,
through My Son, through the Holy Spirit and you will not be able to fool
Me. You can make a lot of money on the planet now in the Name of Jesus
Christ, and your blind dumb sheep will follow you to the pit.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 May 2001 at 11 AM.
The house of God is ready.
Are you ready? For here comes the hammer straight and direct. What a shame!
What a shame! For those, who are not ready. Come - Come Ye o faithful people,
come! March O saints to the music of God. Grab your staff and sword, for
the sounds of the war drums are here. Come! Come with the Power and Might
of the Holy Spirit. For the end is here. Forward this message to your brothers
and sisters.
Later the Lord said:
Remember, always stay focused
and pray with all of your heart. Also, pray to your Lord BEFORE you give
that money that I have placed into your hands. So you can sleep and rest
well at night; knowing that you are managing that money I have placed into
your hands, correctly. The problem of the church of today is; that most
of money I place into people's hands goes to lead the blind astray. Then
the blind shepherds and their blind flocks both fall into the pit. What
a shame! What a shame! Then shepherds that are doing My Will go without.
What a shame! What a shame! For the greed of the leaders
of today's church is great, but remember I see all and a specially
- I correct all in the end. Farewell My Sheep, My Lambs for the end is
before you. This is your Loving Father, with the Son Jesus Christ, and
the Holy Spirit.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 November 2001 at 8:37 AM.
Vision: and Prophecy
Many of you are chasing
these pastors who are flamboyant, and Charismatic and seem to have the
answers to everything. Beware My Children, beware of Lucifer, he is so
clever. For I am going to roundup all of these evil preachers, all these
deceptions of the devil, put them in a Bag and throw the Bag into a fiery
pit - turn My Back and walk away. It is going to be that simple. For your
Father Jehovah is tired of leaders who mislead
the Flock in any manner, in any shape, in any form. These are not idle
words. These people believe they have power. They believe they have a say
because people listen to them. But these people are not saying the Words
of Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through the Power of the Holy
Spirit, through the love of their heart for their God. They will find themselves
in this little Bag.
I love you My Children,
but if you are not on that watchtower, if you do not have your oil lamps
prepared and ready, if you are not on the narrow road you are in trouble.
Remember My Words. Read the Bible. Study it. This is your Father Jehovah,
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit giving you a little wisdom
about the days that are coming. Remember - beware of the church
leaders. For their hearts are not correct with God. (over)
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 December 2001 at 8:30 PM.
I have been getting many
e-mails from Brothers and Sisters who have passed out the prophecies to
their pastors and church leaders and they
have gotten negative results. I believe the following Prophecy is for them.
The Monday night Bible study
was cancelled, but I did not know it. So as I sat in my car waiting for
it to start, the Lord gave me this prophecy.
Lord said to me, "You know
why Muslims, Christians and the Powers that be, do not like and are angry
at the prophecies?"
I said, "No."
Then the Lord said, "My
Word is sharper than any double-edged sword and they are divine truths."
Then He gave me the following scriptures.
Heb 4:12 For the word of
God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates
even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts
and attitudes of the heart.
Heb 4:13 Nothing in all
creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare
before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Then the Lord said, "Keep
passing out the Prophecies and do not be discouraged.