(Proph. #54, 17 May 92);
 Nuclear Explosion

The Lord says:
 "The Cat and the mouse will live together.  Russia the Beast."
Read the entire prophecy from Ray's site

(Proph. #63, 26 May 92);
So mark My Words.  The day and the hour will begin.  When the Beast is allowed access to certain documents, that will incriminate certain City Officials.  He will use the documents to persuade the Officials, to deceive the Officials, to allow him access to certain documents, that will give him power.  So the Beast will triumph over Paris with the Bomb at 3 o'clock, on the day of the storm, when the City and the World least expect. For the Accomplice of the Beast will gain momentum, as the corrupt Officials are tortured with their own words.  For no one will be safe from the Accomplice.  In the hour, and in the manner that he chooses, he will do what he wants.  So saith Jehovah.  Remember My Words, the Beast and the Accomplice will arrive at the appointed time.
Read the entire prophecy from Ray's site

(Proph. #64, 26 May 92);
The Fox will help the Beast in the beginning, then the Beast will destroy the Fox.  The Fox will accumulate wealth and wisdom that will be used to manipulate the Rulers of certain countries.  And the Beast will use that information to manipulate, to separate, to destroy the Rulers of these countries.
 That information will become an important tool for the Beast.  But at the time, and the hour, the Fox will not be needed, he will be destroyed.  He will be executed.  He will be denounced.  He will become one of the stepping stones of the Beast.  So beware of the Beast and the stepping stones. (non-understandable tongues?)
 I love you My People.  I hope, I really hope that you soften those hearts.  Open those ears, and those eyes, and do unto others as you have them do unto you.  For the Beast is going to try to slaughter My Sheep, he will do everything within his means to accomplish his goal.  And he will despise, down to the core of his heart, My Lambs, My Sheep, My Flock.
Read the entire prophecy

(Proph. #69, 29 May 92);
Look to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, look to the Holy Spirit to guide you, look to Me to listen to your prayers, for the day of the Beast is here.
 The day of this coronation will begin, when the Hornet and the Beetle clash.  The outcome of that Battle will establish the authority and power of the Beast, which will begin the beginning of the end.

(Proph. #69, 29 May 92);
There will be a day and a time that the Beast and his followers will persecute you.  He will do anything he can to destroy you, mentally, physically, spiritually for the day of the Beast is at hand.
Read the entire prophecy

(Proph. #70, 30 May 92);
All of Germany will unite.  Russia will reassemble, reorganize.  The False Prophet will be risen from the Middle East, and he will unite with the Beast at the appointed hour in time.
Read the entire prophecy

(Proph. #74, 05 June 92);
The Beast will try to chew up the Body of Christ.  He will have a set Plan for the Elimination of the Body of Christ.  The associates of the Beast will gather around the False Prophet.  For the False Prophet will develop a Scheme of undermining the Credibility and the Validity of Christianity.  And with this Plan, or Decree that will be implemented, will set into motion the ultimate goal of the Beast, of absolute Power without interference from any source.
 For the Beast and Hog will conspire an elaborate Plan to Conquer the Western World.  For the development of the Money, of the Economic Conditions of the World will befall upon the Beast, who will decide who will survive the financial collapses of the Monetary System.  For the Power of Wealth, the Power of Arms, the Power of Political Movement will all fall into place with the collapse of the Monetary System, which will bring into Power the Beast and his followers.
For the control of the Beast comes from Satan himself through the False Prophet, which will advise and direct the Mad Man.
Read the entire prophecy

(Proph. #74, 05 June 92);
I love you, My Children, I love you, listen to the Prophet, listen to the Prophecies, for the Plane that arrives and lands at the end of the airport will become the focal point of a disaster in the Heart of a City.  With the Blossoms that occur when the Rays of the Sun Shine on the ground in Mid-Summer.  The destruction of the Plane will occur when the Beast accuses the Chancellor of not obeying his law.  For the Chancellor will oppose the Beast, but the outcome will have no effect on the Beast and the Party of the Beast.  For the Beast will outmaneuver the Chancellor through an underground network of spies and counter spies. The development of a Bomb, which would send particles of gas into the air, will destroy the opposing Armies swiftly and directly.  So beware of the Politics, beware of the Armies, beware of Anything and Everything that is not of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  For the persecution of the Church will occur at the coming of the New Moon when the Peace Treaty with the Beast is signed.  Are you listening My Children?, for you must read the Bible and Study and obey your Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit.  For the destruction that will occur will shock you into unbelief. (non-understandable tongues?) So My Lambs, My Sheep watch those Hands, watch those Rallies, watch Yourselves from becoming like the Beast.  I am Jehovah.  I am Jehovah. (non-understandable tongues?)  I Love you.  I Love you.  I Love you My Children.  Jehovah is the First and the Last.  The God of Love, the God of everything.
Prophecy #74

(Proph. #79, 7 June 92);
I love you.  When the Hand Strikes two in the valley.  In the valley, where the Archers Bows are strung tight, will be the Battleground here the Beast and the... (non-understandable tongues?).
 When the dog comes back to its vomit is a sign of where his heart is, in the filth, in the garbage that controls his spirit.  That's why the Beast will come back to the valley.  The valley of his destiny, which will close the trap on the fate of him.  That was destined at a time many years passed.
Read the entire prophecy

(Proph. #90, 12 June 92);
Let Me tell you a little bit about the War, the War of the future.  The Saber tooth Tiger will be conquered but the Beast and the Boar will use a series of spies and counterspies to manipulate Governments.  In such a manner that there is more corruption going on underneath the tables with these Political Officers who ran these Governments that you could ever have comprehended.  When he gets control of the oil and the finances he will use this leverage and this blackmail.  He will use anything that he can to get his way and he will get his way.
Read the entire prophecy

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