(Proph. #50, 15 May 92);
The hour of My Ark (Non-understandable tongue ?), the hour of My Ark, the hour of My
Ark, will be complete when the Antichrist approaches Mecca. The hour of My Ark,
will be complete when the Antichrist approaches Mecca. Then the Horn, the Horn of
Heaven and of Earth will be sounded. Praise be the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Praise be to Jesus Christ. For the King, the Savior, will Triumphantly come as I have stated. Spread the Word; tell your friends, tell your brother, your sister, tell your family the hour of the Ark will appear, when the Antichrist approaches Mecca.
Read or Listen to the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #71, 1 June 92);
For what I say will be done without any change of any kind. The Antichrist, the False
Prophet will appear at the appointed time and they will be defeated exactly as I have
stated. So beware of the Mark of the Beast.
Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #79, 7 June 92);
When you see the Horse, with the Rider, with the Bow and Arrow
stretched out and pointing to the left, that will be the time, the moment
of the destruction of the antichrist. For he Blasphemes against the
Father and everything that is Holy. And the Father will not allow this type of Sin
to occur without Judgment upon all parties involved.
Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #90, 12 June 92);
The Antichrist is going to be one of the most fierce, the most dreaded tyrants the
World has ever known. To you they are simple words that have no real meaning; outside
of words. You have not experienced tyranny of such terror but that's how the end is going
to come.
Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #90, " ");
There is going to be a Police Force that will have no law. Only the law of
the Antichrist, which is the law of Satan. He is going to develop a Kingdom,
a source of Power where he can control what People buy, what they sell, who is
living in their house, who and where their family members are, what they do for a
living, where they go to church, where they don't go to church. He's going to have
that kind of control.

(Proph. #110, 25 June 92);
So beware of the False Prophet, the Antichrist, and the Worship of the Beast.
 Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #121, 29 June 92);
For the dirt, the filth, everything that is dirty will be cleaned up once and for all. In a
manner that will surprise you, for the beginning of the New World will be done as stated in
the Bible, in the Books of Deuteronomy, John, Ezekiel, Joel, Daniel, Jeremiah, My
Weeping Prophet. For he could see the results of the antichrist for he had tears for
what he saw. So be it, but so be it, but so be it.
 Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #124, 30 June 92);
My Children open your eyes, your ears, for all of hell is going to break loose on the Planet
Earth. The devil and the Beast and the Antichrist are preparing there Strategy this
very second. MARK MY WORDS! The ground work is being laid this very second.
You have to pull the Body of Christ together immediately! The stronger you are in the
Body of Christ, the harder it will be for the beast and his followers to annihilate you,
for the day of the Beast is at hand. (non-understandable tongues?)
Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #220, 2 Oct 92);
The Ark of the covenant will be established in the Temple. "When the leaves of the Fig
Tree change." The Ark of the covenant will be established. "When the leaves of the Fig
Tree change." For the antichrist and the false prophet will blaspheme
against the Father Jehovah. The Blaspheme will be unforgivable. "When
the leaves of the Fig Tree change." The Ark of the covenant will be established in the
 Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #220, 2 Oct 92);
Remember, I will never abandon you. I will never forsake you through the trials and
tribulations. For I love you. Never forget that "I love you." Make yourselves strong.
Make yourselves wise. For the Day of the beast is here, the Day of the false prophet,
the Day of Doom, the Birth Pains of the New World, the New Beginning.

(Proph. #269, 23 Jan 93);
For the communications of this world, this planet are going to amplify the word of Satan,
through the beast, through his organization. The false prophet will begin his
campaign with the mass media. He will begin to change the value systems of
the planet, and focus it in the direction of the Antichrist.
Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #287, 6 Feb 93);
Islam, Islam will be the way of the future. The antichrist, the false prophet will
eat Islam, will digest it, adore it, will live it. Remember My Words. Islam will be the
way of the devil, will be the way of the antichrist.
 Read the entire Prophecy

(Proph. #287, 6 Feb 93);
This is your Father Jehovah with the Power, and the Glory for everything that is righteous,
everything that is clean, with the Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.
Remember the Star of David. Remember the symbol for Egypt. Remember the false
prophet. Islam will be the way of the future. For the false prophet, the antichrist, the
devil, and everything that is evil. So saith Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

(Proph. #562, 11 Sep 94);
For the times ahead are the trials and tribulations of the Antichrist, and he
will slaughter you and butcher you, and torture you, for you are not
Read the entire Prophecy

(Vision #616, 20 Oct. 94);
A poster of the front view and side view of a young black man and it is super
imposed on an image of a gorilla or monkey.
I believe the Lord is stating that the AntiChrist is going to use this
poster to try to convince people that black people come from apes and
that is all right to kill them. (over)

(Proph. # 839, 19 Dec. 95);
Stop fighting about religious doctrine. For when the Antichrist comes knocking at
your door, he is not going to care what you call yourself, whether you believe in
the trinity, whether you believe you're right in scripture. All he is going to care
about is whether he has yours and your family's heads in his sack. End of
STORY! Do you get the picture! You have to unite NOW! You have to make the Body
of Christ STRONG!!!!!!!  Your little fights must STOP! So when the strong man comes you can overcome. You will see the Antichrist in your life time, if you believe it or not!
He will be there with his army of men, being led by an army of demons.
Read the entire prophecy

(Proph. #839, 19 Dec. 95);
It doesn't matter because the Antichrist is still there. Do you get that picture also. I want
you to Focus on the Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit ONLY! Do you get
that picture also! I gave all you a computer to spread the Word of God. Why haven't you
done it? Are you waiting for the Antichrist to show you how? WAKE UP! I
sound VERY STRONG in My statements, but don't wait for the Antichrist to show
you how strong he is. For he will KILL you if you don't make yourself strong in
your God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (over)

(Proph/Vision #874, 14 March 96);
Vision: The Lord showed me the map of Japan with a castle at the northern part of Japan.
Prophecy: Then the Lord said, "Japan is one of the ten horns (kingdoms) of the
Antichrist from the Book of Revelations. Japan will unite with the other nine
and attack Babylon in one hour. (over)
Read the entire prophecy

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