Walk in Their Shoes

     A common statement made by street people that i have talked to is:  "A lot of people look down on us and treat us like garbage, and If they could just walk in my shoes for one day, that would change their whole perspective". Many of the people living in the streets are not out there because of drugs and alcohol. Most people believe they are just drunks and drug addicts. Statistics show about 40% abuse alcohol and drugs.

     Christian/believers live on the streets and are seeking and walking with the Lord in ways that would put most of us non street people christians to shame. My experience with them has been: "They are about as real as real can get". This is lacking in the churches.

     Often medical problems, loss of jobs and no family put them in the streets; and not to mention living pay check to pay check.

     It is hard to relate to street people unless you've walked in their shoes. Just one 24 hour trip made quite an impression on me. Their community/sub culture boils down to: "street people" and "people that don't live on the streets".

Is the Lord calling you to minister/evangelize to the people on the streets? Have you walked in their shoes for one day?

     I'm writing this because of this burden i have about believers going to street people with and attitude that turns the homeless off. Many of the Christians talk down to them. Street people are not stupid and have a keen sense of discernment about this; and can see right through people and their false fronts--including christians. One day in their shoes can change that attitude. This is what i recommend:   Seek the Lord on this above all things; and go on his leading/command.

a.  Fast for a few days
b.  put on your dirtiest ragged clothes
c.  don't shave for a day or so--like the weekend
d.  carry a bag/water
e.  find a shopping cart and push that around for awhile
f.   watch the reaction of the people around you
g.  try panhandling
h.  Talk to street people about life in the streets.
I.   Find a place to sleep/doorway et.
J.  Don't carry any money or visa cards or and atm card.
K.  Do this for 24 hours.

Ask the Lord to lead you and show you what it's like in the streets.

My first 24 hour trip into the streets:

Math 25