The Russian Christian Missionary to America

April-98:     While returning from a 24 hour trip and enroute to camp; I ran into a young man that was selling Russian paintings. He was well dressed and spoke excellent english with a Russian accent. He couldn't been from around here, because he was asking a street person for money. I was pulling a cart; and everyone else knew I was a street person. As we talked, he said he was with a Christian Missionary organization; and they were called to America.

Note: My "Wake up America" tracts are from a Missionary to America.

     I said "A missionary to America"?  He said yes- and stated: that it was unusual. Note: He didn't know I was a believer up to this point.  After he said that, the Presence of the Lord came over me, and out of my mouth in an almost shout came:  "THE LORD IS WITH YOU-THE LORD SENT YOU TO AMERICA-WE NEED MISSIONARIES TO AMERICA"!!  His face lit up and joy came over him. We began to fellowship and I showed him my ministry signs and shared a little about the ministry to the streets. It was as if we were transported back to the days of the early church. I was on the verge of weeping on the return to camp.

     This was an incredible fellowship time and both of us were encouraged in the Lord. When he left, Michael was almost running in and out of businesses trying to sell his paintings to support this mission organization, called by the Lord to America.

Note:  I had just been talking to Ray Aguilera a couple of weeks before on the phone about the Lord putting on my heart about missionaries being called to America; and the concept of America being a mission field.