The message was the Gospel of Salvation depicting man's condition on the left with scriptures and the bible passages/Roman's road to receive Christ et. My hope and prayer was not to offend my brother, and this sketch would minister the Gospel to him. I prayed/anointed the sketch and mailed it. He received the drawing during a difficult time, and was coming out of a bad relationship. I wasn't aware of the problems he was having.
Three months later--Don received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He is presently active in a church fellowship; and the change in him is dramatic. I've noticed this from our conversations on the phone. Other Christian family members have seen a change in his disposition and a quiet spirit about him.
We talked about this; and
I asked Don if I could share this on my testimony page, and he said definitely
document it; because the drawing planted a seed in his heart. "Give
the Lord the Glory"