Carried shield at El Cerrito Plaza city party

Autumn 98:     I saw a security guard one night hassle a woman for carrying a bible through El Cerrito plaza, and this stuck with me. Weeks later, I had instructions to carry my shield through this plaza during a city party. After walking around the plaza, I went to the security office and sat outside waiting to be hassled. The El Cerrito police stopped and checked me out; and then just drove on. A security guard was inside and he saw me sitting outside with the shield facing him. I was reading my bible. He didn't come out of the office; and seemed visibly upset by my presence. I knew he had to make rounds; because I worked in this plaza as a security guard a year before. But, he didn't come out.

The burden lifted, and I moved on to Berkeley and hit Telegraph Avenue, that was packed with basketball fans that just came out of a big game. I carried the shield and set up in high visible areas and read my bible/prayed over the area.

The shield  *hit your back button to return*