2nd Sather Tower Anointing

28 Feb-98:     I was on a 24 hour trip and the Lord directed me to anoint the tower that night. I was pushing a shopping cart; and didn't plan this, and didn't have the oil or a cup to hold the bottle of olive oil. As I was moving up University AV, the burden increased and the determination to anoint the tower came over me. A man in a van pulled up and asked me if I wanted a large cup of hot chocalate? I said yes--and now had the cup for the bottle. I walked into a market and bought the oil, and then cleaned the empty cup out with water. I had to cut the cup to fit the bottle so it would hold the bottle upside down.

Note:  The first anointing was done by hand. This anointing was different.

     I had everything and the asignment was on, and this energy came over me; and I was almost running pushing my cart up university. I flipped the cart in the street--end over end. I hid the cart and entered the university and started the walk across the campus toward the tower.

     On this anointing, I made a complete circle around the tower with the oil; and then put the bottle in the cup upside down and placed on the marker. The cup bottom was cut out and made as a holder, so the oil would run out. The anointing was complete and I headed off the campus laughing all the way.

     I was planning on sleeping in Berkeley somewhere; but the Lord said get out of Berkeley Now!   My shopping cart became a skateboard and I was riding the back of it down University Street. I pushed the cart all the way back to camp that night and covered about 15 miles total. I didn't have to sleep in the streets that night; and was very tired.

3rd Anointing Sather Tower