#78. Prophecy 6 June 92:
The Pastors are bad also. It hurts My Heart, the things that they
are doing. Look! I am tired, because they think that they are
gods too. With My Hands Straight, I am going to correct them rapidly.
They are going to suffer more than the Saints because they did not seek
them. They did not seek My Saints that need help because all they
think about is themselves.
My Hand is going to hit them as if I am going to hit a fly, it's
going to be rapid. They think they have My Peace now. They
think they have My Word now. They're going to be surprised because
My Saints are living in the streets, without food, without clothes and
they are not looking for them.
#85. Prophecy 11 June 92: But do you reach out for My Saints in the street that are eating garbage, that are sleeping on the floor in the streets with no clothes, with nothing to eat? I am holding every Pastor, every Priest, every Officer that has an office in the Body of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth responsible.
#85 How many times per week do you go visit the sick? How many times per week do you walk the streets helping My Saints? How many times a week do you feed the hungry? How many times a week do you clothe the Ones who don't have clothes?
#85 Your time will be accounted for. Remember that! Your little meetings, your little organizations, how many souls have been lost because you have been too busy? At your luncheons, your dinners, your social events, how many people in the streets have died without being able to have their confessions heard?
#85 A true man, a true pastor of Jesus Christ of Nazareth carries his Cross in the Streets, in the Alleys where most decent people wouldn't be found. That's where My Son sent you to look for the Sheep, the lost, the Ones in need. I want you to remember what I have been telling you.
#86. Prophecy 11 June 92: Did you hear Me? Then clean your eyes and your ears because the day is coming of Jesus, My Son. Yes, call! Call everyone that you can; call in the streets; on the roads; in the restaurants, yes, on the train, on the bus, wherever. Tell them about Christ, about Heaven, about your Father, and about the Holy Spirit, because We love you with all our Hearts. And everything is clean and ready here. Your room! Your room, your bed, your table, your chair that you love so much. "I" This is your Father. This is your Father with the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
#92. Prophecy 15 June 92: This is your God, Jehovah. The Creator of the Universe, of everything that is and will be. The First Word and the Last Word. Go to the streets, preach My Word, not in your Cadillac, on your foot, by foot, by foot, person to person, door to door. I don't care how you do it. You have had it easy. That time is over, take care of My Sick, take care of My Hungry. For what you do to them, you're doing to My Son, you're doing to Me. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. This is Yahweh. This is Yahweh. This is the I am, I am, I am.
#94. Prophecy 16 June 92: You have so many problems. I am sorry to say no one is really helping each other in the manner that was directed in the Bible. Everybody is going their own way. You're so worried about Doctrine. You're so worried about being accepted, by the in group in your Church. I want you to be in the in group with the homeless, the hungry, the sick. That's the in group. That's the group that Christ came to help: The ones who had no one; the ones who smell when you approach them; the ones that are so skinny they are falling on their face; the ones who are freezing at night because they are sleeping in the streets; the ones that the demons have gotten so wrapped into drugs and sex and they don't know what to do.
#158. Prophecy 16 July 92: You only do what you want; you read the Bible in the way you want; you're all going wherever you want; and you don't do what My Son ordered you to do. There are My Sheep living in the streets with hunger, and without clothes. They don't have anyone to take care of them. The Church of My Son is asleep and they're only taking care of their Money.
#158. EAT THE MASS, LOOK FOR YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS that still don't know My Son and the Ones that are living in the streets. The Ones that are dying in the offices of Doctors without a chance to cry to their God for help. I hear them; for I see them and your God sees everything. You cannot hide anything from your God.
#158. Did you hear Me? This is your Father, the One who made Heaven and the World. The One who made everything. Don't forget what I told you. HAVE COMMUNION EVERYDAY, and look for your Brothers and Sisters in the streets, the Ones that don't know Me, the Ones who need help, and pray everyday. For I read the Heart; I don't read the lips for I don't care what the lips say. I know what's in the heart. That's all your Father is telling you on this date, at this hour, with My Word, with My Son and the Holy Spirit.
#158. Do it on your own; feed and clothe the ones on the street that are hungry, that need clothes, the sick, and the old. Do what Christ did when He was with you.
#161. Prophecy 18 July 92: For We Love you. For We will protect you. For We will guide you. Time is your enemy in these closing hours, days, and years. For the time of the Beast is at hand, he is not waiting ONE SECOND to decide what he is going to do; so you have to prepare TODAY. NOW! Go knocking on doors. Go on the street, do whatever has to be done to win your brothers and sisters to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide you, will direct you.
#167. Prophecy 23 July 92: You have to read the Bible and you have to look for your sons, your sisters, your father, your mother, all that love their Father in Heaven with the Son and the Holy Spirit. I want you to look for them in the streets, the older, the Ones that don't have food, the sick Ones. I want all the people, all My Saints to look for them now! "This minute!"
#179. Prophecy 1 Aug. 92: Hurry! Hurry! Hurry, if you want to save yourself, look for a place on the Ark and you'll save yourself. Tell your brothers, sisters, your sons and daughters, all the members of your family, and then look for everyone who lives on the streets. The ones who have hunger, the ones who don't have a thing. Oh, yes, the sick ones, the old ones, all the ones that need help. Hurry, look for them and place them onto the Ark, for time is running out.
#208. Prophecy 1 Sep 92: I am losing My Patience, for if you want to live with the devil, leave your eyes and ears closed. For I am going to give you to the devil if you don't listen to Me. There are many that are suffering in hospitals; in the streets without clothes; without a place to sleep; and there are many that don't know Me because you're lazy. All you want is for Me to give you things, but you don't do what I tell you.
#208. I want you to stop watching television. I want you to stop playing ball. I WANT YOU TO LOOK FOR MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS THAT ARE IN THE STREETS NOW! I don't care if you're a pastor or if you're someone who doesn't know the Bible. I am telling you clearly and to the point, for My Hand is heavy and you don't want to play games with My Hand, for when it hits you, it will hurt you.
#208. When you took the Name of My Son Christ you had a responsibly to do what He said. And all you do is sit there in your chair watching your television with all of your friends, when there are people dying in the streets, and the pastors are the same.
#211. 17 September 92: Look for your brothers and sisters in the streets; the ones that do not know the Word of God; the ones that are sick; The ones that are hungry; the ones that need clothes. Feed them the Word of God Jehovah, the Great I am, I am, I am, and of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. For the Word of God does not come back Void. Clothe them with what is righteous.
#212. 18 September 92: Hurry, look for My Son. Look for your brothers and sisters in the street, the Ones which don't know Me.
#214. Dream 28 September 92: I had a long dream. I kept seeing people walking and witnessing in the streets giving strangers Communion. I saw little stands on curbs of streets, sometimes in front of Churches, sometimes on street corners for anyone that wanted to stop by and have Communion.
#216. Prophecy 29 September 92: I want you to tell the family of the Spirit of the Church of My Son Jesus, your King of Kings, your Christ, to go to the streets; To the Ones which have nothing and give them the Communion.
#216. Give them the Communion where they work, where they look for the train, where they look for the buses, there in the streets, in front of the Churches, give them Communion everyday to everyone.
#216. I want everyone of the Body of My Son Christ Jesus to eat the Communion. Tell them to go into the streets to take the Bread, the Body, and the Juice, the Blood of My Son, and in that way you will save them and you will save yourself. Because you did what My Son said years and years ago to your fathers.
#221. Prophecy 6 October 92: Did you hear Me? You have to run the mile. The Day has arrived of the mile. Open your eyes. Open your ears and look for your brothers in the street. Run the mile for your sons, for your brothers, for your family. Run toward your God.
#225. Prophecy 14
October 92: This is your Father, that tells you the Word of Heaven;
That tells you the Word of My Son; That tells you the Word of the Holy
Spirit; That tells you the Word of Love. For I Love you so much.
Study the Bible. Show your sons and daughter, your brothers and
sisters, your father and mother, everyone that lives around you.
The ones which you know. The ones which you don't know. The
ones which are sick. The ones which are old. The ones which
live in the street. The ones which are suffering. The ones
which need to hear the Word of God.
Study the Bible, and show them that your God Loves you with all
of His Heart; That He is alive; That He is there with the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. Did you hear Me My Sons, My Sheep? This
is your Father, the One which made everything with My Word.
#226. Prophecy 14 October 92: The devil doesn't care. He likes it that you're fighting. For in that way he will fill his stomach with the Blood of My Son, but there are some which are in the middle of all that fighting that I am going to save. For they have the Eyes, and the Ears of My Son. They eat the Mass. They look for the sons, and the Daughters in the street, the sick ones, the old ones.
#254. Prophecy 17 December 92: Remember My Words My Children. Remember My Words. This is your Father Jehovah with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Read the Bible, and Study. Look for your brothers and sisters in the streets. Repent of your sins. For you will see. For you will live through what My Prophet has seen.
#258. Prophecy 29 December 92: Look for your brothers and sisters in the street. Look for the ones that are running around with the goats, with the Satanist. Pray for them, fast for them, Love them. For the end is before you. "O come, O thee O People." "O come, O thee O people" For the future is before you, everlasting Peace and Tranquillity. "Come, O thee people" "Come, thee O people."
#262. Prophecy 13 January 92: Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me! This is your Father, I want you to look for your brothers, your sisters in the streets. Did you Hear Me, My Sons and Daughters? You have to look for everything that is clean, all that is good, all that is of your God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is your Father.
#262. Look for your brothers in the streets. Look for everyone that wants to hear the Word of your God, with tears I am telling you the truth.
#264. Prophecy 14 January 93: My Son is ready to pick up all that is Clean, all that is Good, all that is Ours. The rest are going to have to suffer in the War, in all that is bad. For they did not look for the brothers and sisters in the streets, the sick ones, the old ones. For they didn't do what My Son told them to do.
#282. Prophecy 31 January 93: If you want to make yourself deaf, and place your hands over your ears, and wait for the devil to come and eat you, for that's what's going to happen. You have to have your eyes open, your ears open. You have to look for your brothers and sisters in the streets that don't know My Word. You have to pray. You have to fast. You have to eat the Mass. You have to look for My Son. You have to look for the Holy Spirit. You have to look for your Father. You have to stand on top of the Rock of My Son.
#291. Prophecy 13 Feb. 93: Yes, My Sons and Daughters, Hear Me! Hear Me! It has arrived, the end of the world. I want you to get ready. I want you to look for your suitcase, and make it ready, with your Bible, with all that is good. For here comes My Son on the cloud. You have to have your ticket, and your suitcase, and you have to pray and fast, and repent, and look for your brothers and sisters in the streets. The Ones that don't know Me, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I tell you with Joy, with Happiness, with all that is Good, with all that is of Heaven, with all that is from your Father. There I'll see you My Sons and Daughters.
#297. Prophecy 22 Feb. 93: For I know that they believe they are god. I am going to show the world the force of the devil, when I hit the church of the United States. For, it is nauseating Me, what they are doing. It turns My Stomach, it's contemptible, for they are sitting on their bottoms. They don't look for the sick ones; the ones who sleep in the streets; The ones who need to hear the Word of God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
#304. Prophecy 3 March 93: Hear Me! Hear Me! My Sons and My Daughters, all the Christians that believe, that are in the center of the whirlwind, I want you to look for your brothers and sisters, and go to the streets, and tell them the Word of God. For here comes the whirlwind. It is going to clean everything that is filthy. For you people are asleep. You are asleep, and you are not doing what My Son told you. That's why the whirlwind is going to hit. It is going to hit with the force of the devil. Did you hear Me, My Sons and Daughters? Look for your brothers and sisters in the streets. Repent, and repent, and pray, and pray, with the Force of your God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and pray. I will hear you. I will hear your tears. I hear everything that you want to say, if you want to repent. But I want you to look for your brothers and sisters That are living in the street That don't know My Son Jesus. Yes! I want you to look for them, all of them there. For here comes the whirlwind that's going to hit the United States.
#321. Prophecy 30 April 93: Make yourselves strong My Sons My Daughters. It has arrived, "The End," of your World. You have to make yourself strong. You have to look for My Son Jesus, your Christ, the King of Kings, for it has arrived, "The End." I want you to look for your brothers and sisters in the streets, for your family that don't know Me. All the Ones you Love, that you want to go to Heaven with Me. For I am there with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. And all that is filthy is going to the pit in the manner that I stated in the Bible.
#337. Prophecy 27 July 93: Did you Hear Me, Reymundo? It has arrived, all things that I told you. Everything is going to happen exactly as I have said to you. It has arrived, but it is going to be easy for you, and your wife, and your family. For you are My saint, with your male and female friends, for you all did what I told you. You looked for everyone on the streets. You looked for everyone that was hungry, the ones that needed clothes, the ones that slept in the street. You and your friends are going to do everything that I have told you. For you people hear the Word of your Father, you hear the Word of the Son, the King of Kings, the Word of the Holy Spirit.
#361. Prophecy 20 September 93: The Meat of the Body of My Son is going to suffer in the United States for they didn't do what I told them. I told them to look for everyone that's in the street, everyone who has hunger, everyone who is sick. And what do they do? They turn on the television and they watch the ball. They watch the things that I gave them and they don't look for their God. The One who made everything with the Love of Heaven.
#368. Prophecy 29 September 93: There are My Prophecies that I send to all the churches. For My Word is everywhere, for I am everywhere, but you have to give it a chance. You have to open your eyes. You have to open your ears. Then you have to teach your sons, and your daughters, and your mother, and your father. Then start with everyone who is living to one side of you, and then the other side, and also the ones who live in the streets that don't know a thing, the ones who are hungry, the ones that are living in the street without clothes, food, the sick ones, and the old ones. And then start with My Word and tell the world, and everyone that wants to hear, all, who have the hunger of God.
#385. Prophecy 3 November 93: Open your eyes, and your ears, for I want you to buy your Ticket, with your prayers, with your love, with all that is good, and in that way you will receive your ticket. Repent, and look for your brothers and sisters in the streets, and look for your Father. Look for the Holy Spirit. Look for Jesus, the King of Kings.
#427. 5 April 94:
Put it in the Book and write it down. Tell the Body of Christ
to go door to door. Go knock on doors and tell everybody that. The
End is coming, and that the Lord is coming. Tell them the Gospels,
and go to the streets.
This is a Commandment! This is a Commandment!
Do it Now! Quickly, for the End is before you. For the End
is at Hand. Did you hear Me Clearly? Did you hear it to the
Point? Stop whatever you are doing; get off your chair; get off your
bottom, and start knocking on those doors. Now! Don't think
about it, just be obedient. That is My Commandment. This is
a direct order from your Father in Heaven, and the Son, Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.
#506. 23 July 94: I tell you the truth with tears, with tears. If you don't open your eyes and ears you are going to suffer, you and your family. Open the Bible. Read it everyday, look for your brothers in the street; take care of the sick; give food to the Ones that don't have it and clothes. That is the people that don't have anything, the old people.
#509. 26 July 94: This is your Father that's telling you the advice of Heaven, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Break your head of stone. Break your heart of stone, and hear Me! For time is running out and it's going to begin very rapidly, the end of the end. And if you want a chance you have to read the Bible, you have to pray, you have to repent, you have to pass out the Word of your God to the ones who don't know. You have to help the sick ones, the ones who don't have a mother or father, the ones who don't have a thing, the ones who live in the street. Yes, to everyone, whether they know Me or not.
#534. 18 August 94: But the rest that have the brains to seek My Son with a clean heart, with a clean mind, will find Me, the Father, with the Force of the Holy Spirit. It isn't hard. I am there in front of you. All you have to do is stick out you hands and hug Me and kiss Me. But you have to read the Word in the Bible. You have to eat the communion. You have to look for your brothers and sisters in the street. You have to repent, it is very important, for everything that I have is clean.
#541. 2 Sep. 94:
I told My Body, the Body of My Son, to look for the sheep, to repent, to
eat the communion, to look for the people in the street, the sick ones,
the old ones, and to become humble. But look at the Body of My
Son. How it is, the ones that are running the Churches. They
have more money than the poor people, and they are not passing the Word
like My Son told them. They are becoming plump and fat with the Word
of My Son.
There're people that need help, in the mind, in the body,
with advice, with clothes, with food. And what do the elders
of the church do? They become plump and fat, with the money, with
all that is of the devil. It hurts My Heart what I see. How
they use and change the Word of My Son. They just say what they want
to say, and they don't say the things correctly. But their day has
arrived, the easy days of the belly, of the plump ones, of the elders of
the church. It has arrived, the End of them, for I have everything
counted, and I don't forget a thing.
#569. 18 September 94: For you didn't' seek My Son with the heart that you have in your hands. You didn't seek your sons, brothers and daughters in the street, with the heart that you have in your hands. You didn't seek the things, the Word in the Bible, the correct manner, all those things, the heart in your hands didn't seek. That's why that heart of stone, I am going to give to you in your hands. And that's the way you are going to walk to the pit. But your are going to know, that I told you with My Lips, with the Word of God. I am going to show you, how intelligent you are.
#617. 20 October 94: Tell the Body to gather. It not important the name they go by. The thing that is important is to pray, to eat the Communion, to repent, and to seek the ones that are in the streets that don’t know Me, and to find a place to hide when everything stops. For it has arrived the things of the devil in the manner of the devil. My Sheep have to hear, for it has arrived the hatchet, the hatchet of the devil. Yes! It has arrived.
#839. 19 Dec. 95: Wake up Christians! Stop all of this stupid fighting, make yourselves STRONG! For these are not idle Words. This is the TRUTH! I want you all to pray at least two hours per day. I want you to take DAILY communion. I want you to seek your brothers and sisters in the streets NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you hear My last statement or do I have to tell you again. Don’t make me do that, for you will see another side of Me that you wouldn’t like. DO YOU GET THE PICTURE!! I am telling you because I LOVE YOU! I want to help and PROTECT YOU. And that’s the Truth!
#911. 23 May 96: . I will not accept a middle ground. For some of you, it is going to be very hard; but you have to stop playing church, and seek your brothers and sisters in the streets. For the power of the antichrist is going to be strong, and your church leaders don’t have any real power. We: Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are the ONLY ONES Who can save you. REMEMBER THAT! Peace be with you - you hard-headed Christians.
#971. 30 September 96: During this prayer the Lord said to tell the brothers and sisters on the e-mail list to upload the Prophecies to wherever they can, and to give out hard copies to their church leaders, people on the streets, and finely to their relatives and friends. Tell them to be strong, brave, and bold - to pray daily and all will go well.” (over)
#976. 10 Oct 96: For
you didn’t do what I have told you, in the manner of God.
How many times have I told you to pray? How many times have
I told you to seek your brothers and sisters in the streets? How
many times have I told you to repent your sins? How many times?
How many times do I have to tell you? The bear is going to eat you,
because you have your fingers in your ears.
#1210. 3 Oct 98: My
son, My son, all that I have told you is straight and to the point! All
is correct! The flames are going
to come to the point. You believe it is going to be very bad, but it
is going to be worse than you believe.
The flames of the devil are ready. The flames of God are ready. All
is going to become very HOT to the
point! Yes, My Reymundo - all of My affection, all that I have that
is good - is going to pass, when My
Son comes. But if you do not read the Bible, if you do not look
for your brothers and sisters in the
streets, how is My Son going to find you if you do not do the things
of My Son?