After sitting down in the back a greeter approached me and gave the standard speech about the church and was trying to get me to "Join Join Join". I don't remember the message given by the pastor and noticed the church was practically empty. There was a split in the church because a pastor left with some of the flock. A battle in the leadership occurred in the last year. I went forward at the end of the service and received prayer.
Note: The area that was covered during the prayer walk was the same route for the "March for Jesus" to be held May 30. I didn't know the route until a christian lady told me a group was going to walk and pray the route.
I was locked into this shouting voice and followed it. I came to a plaza that is popular with the tourist that ride the "Cable Car". They wait in line for the car to turn around and board it. The man shouting was a street preacher. I sat down on the bank steps and listened to his preaching on the Cross of Calvary. I've never heard preaching like this, and It left me shaken. He was facing the tourist, and at the end he knelt down and prayed for them.
Note: This message on the Cross of Calvary would encourage and prepare me for the shield asignment. The shield was being constructed and this was a confirmation.
A short distance from him was a blind man with an electronic organ playing
worship music, and he was singing. He had a bowl for offerings attached
to his leg. Not far from the organ player, was a brother holding a sign
with scriptures on it about sexual sins. He was sitting on a fire hydrant.
He was in the same spot holding a similar sign in 1992.
A christian brother sitting next to me was witnessing to a man that was
heckling and trying to disrupt the street preacher.
Note: None
of these brothers were connected to each other in any formal way; but they
were in unison. The Holy Spirit was orchestrating this show and the presence
of the Lord was tremendous. THIS
The Lord showed me an iceberg.
The Lord said, “You see this iceberg?”
I said, “Yes.”
“Do you see the TOP OF IT?”,
He said.
I said, “Yes.”
He said, “That is the Body of My Son
that people know. Look under the water. That’s the real church.
The part that’s underwater. I am going to awaken it. I am going
to direct it, and I am going to use it with the Power of the Holy Spirit,
with the Power of Jehovah, with the Power of My Son. This is the
Great I am I am, I am I am, I am I am.” (over)
#808 from Ray's site: Remote site.
prophecy #809 that explains #808 from Aguilera's site.